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Politics : Law & Legal & Attorney
The Tsunami and the Whisper
Before anything else I would like to ask everyone to please, please get out and vote today. I don't care who it's for, I don't care if you need to do it in between jobs, just do it. Research to learn even the basics, it will take you less than an hour, just Google their names.
What if John Kerry were Elected as President and Told us Military Men are Losers?
What if Senator John Kerry were elected president that he lost last time around and what if he had said those horrible things about the US military men? Does John Kerry really mean the things that he said during his speech in Pasadena California or was he just saying them because many of his Democra
How to Find Voting Records for Candidates
One of the most important rights we have as Americans is the right to vote. Unfortunately, political campaigns sometimes come with distractions that detract attention from the matters at hand. Luckily, there are ways to check out the voting records of the candidates so you can see exactly what they
Government is a Franchise System; just not a very good one
Few understand the Franchising Format and even fewer have correlated that to our modern government structure. The United States Government is set up much like a franchising system. You are well aware of modern day franchise systems like McDonalds although you probably had never thought of our govern
The Great Gun Debate: A Useful Distraction?
It's becoming rather tiresome now - listening to the looping rhetoric of rich men in suits. For the last 10 years, political clashes over gay marriage, abortion and gun laws have brought us many news stories (some more interesting than others), but people are now beginning to question whether i
How to Get Inaugural Ball Tickets
Getting tickets to an inaugural ball takes persistence, early planning, luck and money. The good news is there are a lot of inaugural balls. At President Barack Obama's 2009 inauguration there were 10 official balls and more than 122 unofficial ones. The bad news is that many inaugural balls are by
Wolves Protecting The Rights Of Sheep
Prosecutors promise respect for civil liberties. Maybe canine carnivores will stand up for livestock?
Corruption and Transparency
I. The Facts Just days before a much-awaited donor conference, the influential International Crisis Group (ICG) recommended to place all funds pledged to Macedonia under the oversight of a "corruptio...
Bill Bradley's New American Story
All of us are prisoners of the way we talk about things. Greed, fear, ambition and- occasionally- love and kindness shape the stories we tell about our reality and about our lives.
The Negatives of the Confederate Flag
A great deal of controversy surrounds the Confederate flag, largely due to differences in opinion regarding its symbolism. While flag supporters claim that it should be used as a symbol of Southern heritage and cultural tradition, others see it as a symbol of racism, particularly due to its adoption
The Uses of Microfiche
Microfiche is one of several types of microform that is similar to photography film. Microfiche is a flat sheet of film whereas other forms, such as microfilm, comes on a reel. Each form of micro has a viewing device specific to the form. Its use is primarily to store miniature copies of documents.
Is America Ready For Ron Paul?
America is at a critical time in history and the presidential election of 2008 will determine the future of our country.
Said's Orientalism and the History of Creating Orientals by the Book
Is our view of the Orient accurate and realistic? To what extent are we influenced by history, books and the media? What role does politics play in our perceptions and opinions about the Orient?
Learning to Balance a Checkbook
When you're getting acquainted with the various features of your very first checking account, one activity you'll need to learn is how to balance your checkbook. While some people now choose to process electronic ACH (automatic clearing house) payments, others prefer to write and send paper checks.
The Rev Dr Martin Luther King, Jr
The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., (January 15, 1929 - April 4, 1968) was a man given a googolplex of titles from a wide variety of sources, including many world human rights organizations and grateful American Southern universities. But his original name was much shorter.
The Community Reinvestment Act, Another Culprit of the Economic Meltdown
Fannie and Freddie were not the only culprits in the economic meltdown. There are others to come. The Community Reinvestment Act is one more to blame.
Save USA Wooden Toys From Going Extinct
Due to a new law in August 2008, most of the USA toymakers and other handcrafted items for children will have to cease operations. This will basically mean that ALL items for children will come from China.
Fashion & Politics - Analyzing Obama's Successful Fashion Strategy
The successful campaign of President Elect Barack Obama has just written a landmark page in the history of the United States. Undoubtedly, and admittedly, Mr. Obama's election was greatly due to a masterful campaign plan. Is it possible that even his fashion choices and statements about his war
Worst Disasters in 2006 Predicted
Recently I had a conversation with a very nice lady who had come to the conclusion that all the natural disasters we are experiencing such as Hurricane Katrina, the Earthquake in Pakistan and the Indonesia Tsunami are being created by God.
Voting: Not Just A Right, But A Responsibility
People often taken voting totally for granted. Waiting until last minute before you decide who to vote on is an entirely irresponsible act, because it essentially means that there's no possibility that you could have accumulated enough mental context to even know who is a good choice and is a p