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Mental Health : Health & Medical

What Are the Benefits of L-Carnitine?

L-carnitine is a substance that the human kidneys and liver produce. Its function is to help the body use fat stores as energy, and it also helps transport toxic substances out of those organs. Most people make enough L-carnitine and don't need a supplement, but in some cases, a person's body isn'

Body Acne Treatment

Acne is a common skin condition that begins around the age of 12-13 years and can last into adulthood. Acne usually disappears in adulthood, but there are many cases where twenty or thirty years still ...

Is Bipolar Disorder Genetic?

Perhaps you have been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, and you're wondering if your children will also have it. Maybe your parents or siblings have Bipolar Disorder, and you're concerned that you may also be experiencing symptoms of this mental illness.

How to Improve Mental Toughness

People are more passionate these days to remain fit and healthy but due to busy schedule and lack of time some of them can't manage to maintain their body and mind. Now they don't have ...

Please Somebody, Stop the Music!

Music that sounds great to one person may be driving another person to a nervous breakdown. Perhaps it's time to question whether or not every aspect of our lives needs to be accompanied by background music.

Discover the Truth About Severe Anxiety Symptoms

Before you start to study severe anxiety symptoms, it is a good idea to first identify what severe anxiety actual is, and why it happens. Symptoms and methods of treatment for this condition can only ...

Eye Relaxing Techniques

Your eyes can get tired and strained when you stare at a computer screen all day.The tired chief image by Ella from Fotolia.comEyes get tired, particularly if you have to stare at a computer screen for eight hours a day. Like other parts of your body, your eyes need to relax, especially...


Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of psychosis including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.

Risks of Cigar Smoking

Cigars pose a host of dangers.smoken cigar image by Bradlee Mauer from Fotolia.comCigars, just like cigarettes, pose a host of dangers. Cigars differ from cigarettes in size and the blend of tobacco. While cigarettes are made from different blends, cigars are usually made from one type....

Creating The Lifestyle Of Your Dreams

For most people when thinking of the dream lifestyle the first images that come to their mind are images of travel to distant warm beaches, relaxing mornings with their favorite cup of coffee, lots of toys and cash, basically to have the finances to do as they please. But let me make myself clear wh

Mental Health and Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a fairly common and debilitating mental illness. Learn more, including causes, symptoms, types, and treatments.

My Snapper Mower Is Smoking

A Snapper lawnmower should never smoke from its engine. This is a sign of a serious problem that should be dealt with immediately as the engine may catch fire. Always shut off the Snapper if the engine ever starts to smoke and don’t operate the mower again until the problem is resolved.

What Obsessions Are Not; (OCD)

What Obsessions are NOT: There are marked and distinct differences between obsessions and other problems that many other people face in society. Some very commonly confused and misunderstood issues that are so often seen as ...

Physical Effects of Drug Abuse

Many people wonder about the physical effects of drug abuse. Long term drug abuse takes a toll on the addict's body. The lungs, the teeth and even the skin are affected by the use of drugs. Some of these physical effects are reversible after the addict stops using drugs, but others are not. Below ar

When Things End

Have you experienced endings in your life? It's natural, and there are always new beginnings!

The 3 Elements That Govern Our Health

Our health can be split into three different categories. By keeping each area in good order and maintaining balance, we can ensure that our overall health remains good.

What Side Effects Can Occur if You Drink Alcohol With Ambien?

AmbienAmbien is a hypnotic drug used for the short term treatment of insomnia. It increases the neurotransmitter GABA in the brain by binding to its receptors. In this respect, it is similar to another class of drugs called benzodiazapenes, which are used as anti-convulsants, sedatives...

Essential Principles to Consider When Pursuing Life-Long Holistic Human Health

This article will discuss some of the most essential, down-to-earth and practical principles and practices that any and every Human Being can learn and implement in order to increase overall health, harmony and happiness. The author believes that Humans are complex, multi-dimensional creatures with

How to Stop Smoking for Free at Home

Smoking will destroy your health. Smokers have to deal with damage to their mouths, throats and lungs. You are not only hurting your health, but you are hurting anyone around you when you smoke. Secondhand smoke can be a health threat for people living with a smoker. Also, the cost of smoking is eno