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Mental Health : Health & Medical

Mental Health - Necessary For a Happy Life!

A healthy person is gifted with complete physical, mental and social well-being therefore mental health is an integral part of a person's robustness. A mentally healthy person will have the ability to recognize his own abilities and work accordingly to achieve his goals. Sound mental well being

ADHD Symptoms in Adults

Are you an adult and concerned that you have attention deficit disorder (ADD)? The first thing you should know is that you aren't alone. According to World Health Organization estimates, 5% of adults have ADD.

How to Make a Kid Keep His Hands Out of His Mouth

Putting fingers in the mouth and thumb sucking are common habits for babies and young children. If your child continues this habit past the age of four it can be considered a problem, according to WebMD. Sucking on fingers is not only a sanitary concern but it can also affect your child's teeth. In

How to Deal With the Stages of Grief

Grieving is a normal response to the loss of someone or something you cared about. Many people go through five distinct stages of grief after a loss or a traumatic event. These stages, first named by Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, include denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Recognizing

ADHD and Learning Disabilities - My Personal Experience

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD) and learning disabilities in some cases go hand-in hand. I am the parent of a child diagnosed with ADHD at 4 years of age. I have since learned that he has learning disabilities as well.

Causes of Panic Attacks - The Dangerous One You Don't Know About

There are many causes of panic attacks: heredity, lifestyle factors, upbringing, dietary problems, and so on. But there are less obvious causes of panic attacks too, and I believe that these are the ones that produce the intense day-to-day anxiety that ruins our lives.

MRI Changes in Schizophrenia

A meta-analysis seeks to characterize the brain abnormalities associated with schizophrenia.

What's Death Like in Alzheimer's?

Now let us see as to what happens in between the time of diagnosis till death. This disease is diagnosed in a person with complaints of loss of memory in which one starts to forget the recently learned things as the primary symptom. We can simply break the time span from the diagnosis to death in th

Depression - How to EFT For Enjoying Each Moment As it Comes

Yes, words of wisdom indeed. Early in my career as a practitioner, pre-EFT days, I was visited by a man with depression. "Please don't turn me away like the other four hypnotherapists I have been to" he said, "I know what I want from you, all I ask is that you do it, please don&a

How to Deal With ADHD

How to deal with ADHD is one of those questions that could have many different answers, all of which could work pretty well for certain symptoms, and certain personality types. While this may be the case, we will attempt to boil attention deficit hyperactivity disorder down to its most basic compone

The Best ADHD Treatments - Picking the Right One For Your Child

As a researcher, parents are always asking me about the best ADHD treatments. The answer to this is not clear-cut because different treatments work well for different kids. In this article, you'll learn about the top treatments available with enough information to choose the treatment that will

Be Healthy and Get Going!

Physical and mental health are two things that are often left ignored by most of us. This article is aimed at creating awareness among people who have failed to understand the importance of good health.

What is Second Hand Smoking?

Secondhand smoking is when non-smokers inhale smoke from other people's cigarettes, cigars or pipes. According to the American Cancer Society, non-smokers who breathe secondhand smoke "take in nicotine and other toxic chemicals just like smokers do."

Is He Killing You With Silence?

Not all verbal abuse is name calling, shouting or accusations. The stone faced quiet types can cause just as much mental and emotional distress as an out of control partner can. The flip side of a scr

Keeping Away From Anger-holics

You may find your attempts to stop reacting and making the choice to respond to anger difficult if you are surrounded by people with excessive anger. As the old saying goes, birds of a feather ...