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Mental Health : Health & Medical

About Deadly Sleeping Disorders

In 2005, the U.S. Center for Disease Control's Compressed Mortality Data revealed 684 fatalities related to sleep disorders. But exactly how and why sleep disorders kill people still largely remains a medical mystery, despite the overwhelming evidence that sleep disturbances are simply bad for a per

HGH Treatment in Teens

Human growth hormones (HGH) are naturally produced in the pituitary glands of the human body. They play a role in influencing a person's physical and sexual growth, as well as the rate of metabolism. HGH supplementation is considered a treatment option for teens with stunted growth or teens who are

Mindfully Minding The Breath

I have yet to introduce someone to the concept of Mindful breathing without getting a wary look or mocking glance. After all, we're alive so we're doing something right with our breathing. Aren't we? Or are we? It would seem that breathing is an automatic body function and, unless we

What Is Marihuana?

America has a mixed relationship with marihuana. An ancient sacrament and industrial crop grown in many colonial plantations, marihuana ran afoul of a nexus of industrial and social and security interests that combined forces in the 20th century to make it illegal. Marijuana is a plant, one that has

Depression Medications for Bipolar Disorder

Antidepressants remain a common form of treatment for unipolar depression (major depression) However, the APA (American Psychiatric Association) advises caution with antidepressant use in bipolar disorder due to unwarranted side effects i.e.--elevated mood.

Sperm donation helps a good cause

Initially, when sperm banks developed, they were considered controversial and many people were against them. But currently, these banks along with sperm donation have enabled sterile couples to have much better control over their reproduction. ...

What is Habitrol?

Habitrol is a brand name for the nicotine patch, an over-the-counter product people use to help them quit smoking. The patch releases nicotine into the body through the skin, so smokers can eliminate their habit without experiencing withdrawal symptoms.

Marijuana (drug) induced depersonalization FAQ

Have you smoked marijuana in an anticipation to relax and ease your nerves, but came to experience the exact opposite? Do you find yourself depersonalized and unusually anxious and don't know

Detoxing From Heroin

There are several methods for detoxing from heroin. Some people choose to €go cold turkey.€ This means that they simply try to muster as much willpower as possible and simply quit taking the drug completely. ...

Physical Phenomena and Survival Evidence Within the Seance Room

There is a great deal of controversy surrounding the value of evidence in certain types of mediumship. Of course, we can argue until the cows come home about what constitutes good evidence, and evidence that is so general, it's farcical to include it. As far as mental mediumship is concerned, t

Public Speaking Anxiety? How to Prepare for a Speech

Do you suffer with public speaking anxiety and worry about how to prepare a speech? One strategy for reducing anxiety is to prepare well. Here are some tips for making the most of your prep time.

I Like to Acknowledge Are Two People

I like to acknowledge are two people in the lab three people actually have contributed some other day from 11 I've shown one David McGovern was done the recent Darby are mutants in the background ...

Improving Diagnosis in Pediatric Schizophrenia

What steps can clinicians take to definitively identify schizophrenia in young patients? In his latest video blog, Dr. Robert Findling discusses a thorough approach.

Negative Effects of Packaging

Plastic packaging receives wide use, but there are negative environmental effects tied to the product.fruits, apple in package image by Astroid from Fotolia.comTo obtain consumer products in our modern society, we have become more dependent on packaging. Despite packaging's benefits, many...

How to Start Finding Passion in Your Life

Many of us have trouble finding passion in our daily lives. There are so many things to do, so many responsibilities, so many obligations, yet none of these things truly become our passion in life. So, what's the best way to start finding your true passion in life? Follow these few simple steps t

Healing In His Wings, Part 11 - Final

This final discussion in our study of the Book of Malachi reinforces the holiness of God, His desire to show mercy, restore hope, and bring lasting peace to those who choose to follow His lead. Over the course of this 12 part series, we have learned much from the example of Israel, God's chosen

ADD Fad or Fact?

Attention Deficit Disorders has become a catch phrase in educational circles. When I started my clinic almost 10 years ago, a diagnosis of ADD resulted in puzzled and suspicious looks from parents and teachers alike. However, the pendulum has swung the other way. It has become a substitute for a hyp