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Mental Health : Health & Medical

Do You Have Bipolar Disorder?

Are you easily distracted? Do you have trouble sleeping? Are you depressed or sad one moment and full of confidence and optimism the next time? Do you find it difficult to concentrate? Are you reckless and aggressive at times only to lose interest in everything you do the next moment?

A Look at What Can Cause Phobia

The answer isn't as easy as you might think. Fear is an emotion which develops out of uncertainty. And uncertainty itself is, basically, the perceived inability to control. Put this way it appears ver

How to Improve Memory with a Healthy Lifestyle

There are various ways or techniques that can be used to improve your memory. There are some who use mnemonics to remember facts while there are those who remember information by being attentive. Whether you ...

How Agoraphobia is Treated

Daily life can be truly stressful, and it can be even more difficult to cope with if you find it hard to step beyond your front door. Starting your morning with a few little problems ...

OCD in Children

Obsessive compulsive disorder does not choose particular people to afflict. It cuts across the spectrum, affects adult as much as it affects children .The rich and the poor have all been afflicted by OCD. Children ...

How to Pay for Private Schools for Children With ADHD

The ADHD child can be a challenge in the classroom. Often, conventional schooling does not work; the traditional classroom setting can be too distracting for a child with a disorder that heightens his sensory awareness. If the public school your child attends does not make accommodations for her s

ADHD - To Medicate Or Not to Medicate?

As with many other medical drugs, ADHD medicine's have a history of causing some negative side effects in some patients taking those drugs. Parents of ADHD children are faced with the very troubling decision of whether or not to place their children on medication. How does one decide?

Psychological Effects From Hate Crimes

A hate crime is a crime intended to harm or intimidate people because of their race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion or other protected group status. Hate crimes are shown to be more harmful than other non-motivated types of crimes and have longer residual effects psychologically. Since hat

How best to motivate office-based staff

Motivating staff can, at times, be a bit of a challenger but it is something that should be done in order to ensure employees are happy working for your company. It is also important because ...

Study More About Panic Attacks

Learn more in depth about panic attack will surely help you to deal with and handle it in a better approach. Without further a do let me tell you more about panic attack now.

How Do People Get Bipolar?

What is Bipolar Disorder?Bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression, is a mental disorder that causes extreme mood swings between depression and mania. Depression is generally characterized by a lack of energy and motivation; mania consists of periods of high energy, unusual thought...

Reputed Drug Rehab Centers in Florida

Relapse Plans: Possibly the Most Important Part of Rehab The ultimate goal of most drug rehab centers in Florida is the permanent sobriety of the clients who complete the program. As it turns out, relapse ...

Overcoming Your Fear Of Being Alone

Fear is usually an emotional reaction or response to a threat or an imagined state of being in danger. This feeling will be experienced especially if an individual believes that they are in danger. Psychologists ...