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Mental Health : Health & Medical

ADHD: Hyperactive-Impulsive Type

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), also known simply as attention deficit disorder (ADD) is a condition in which sufferers have problems concentrating and paying attention. According to WebMD, ADD is more common in adults, while ADHD is seen more in children and adolescents.

How to Feel at Home in Your Dorm

Going away to college can be a difficult experience. For many teens, it is their first time living away from home. You will probably miss the comforts of the house you grew up in, including family companionship, home-cooked meals and a space that feels like your own. You can make your college dorm r

Brain Injuries and Cognitive Disabilities in the Classroom

Cognitive disabilities can be the result of learning disabilities either from a brain injury or those suffered from birth. Regardless of the reason for it, those children who have these disabilities can have difficulties in the classroom.

What Are Some Support Groups for Progeria?

Support is important to help families cope.Holding hands image by paolanogueras from Fotolia.comProgeria, also known as Hutchinson-Gilford Syndrome, is a rare disease which affects children. The genetic condition is considered fatal and causes a host of serious and life-threatening...

Can Tetris Prevent Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?

Traumatic experiences can lead to intrusive memories that haunt you for a long time. Researchers have found one approach to disrupt those memories from solidifying in your mind and make it less likely to suffer the 'flashbacks' of the horrible event.

Lithuim for Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder is a mental health condition which can incapacitate a person, depending on its severity. There are many strategies used to treat and control it, including therapy with specific medications. Lithium is one of those medications.

Signs & Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder in Young Adults

A condition of the brain, bipolar disorder usually starts as the patient is growing up or when he reaches young adulthood. It has many symptoms, which can lead to even further problems such as addiction to drugs or alcohol or suicide if not treated properly and consistently.

Online Nutritional Therapy

Nutritional therapy is a homeopathic method in which food is used in lieu of medications to stave off disease and illness and maintain a state of good health in the body. The basic idea behind nutritional therapy is that the foods that we eat are one of the biggest determining factors in our overall

Natural Ways to Stop Smoking for Pregnant Women

Smoking is detrimental to the health of anyone who develops the habit. But pregnant women who smoke risk their baby's health. Often, the child is born prematurely, without developed lungs, and underweight. The worse-case scenario is that the mother will lose the baby. When nicotine and carbon monoxi

Steps to Recovery From Drug Addiction

Steps to recovery from drug addiction, if followed faithfully, can assure a relatively smooth transition to the clean life. The main thrust of these steps is to create a new life, a new set of friends, new habits and new paths to happiness. At all costs, avoid irritability and depression as much as

Autism: Refrigerator Mothers

Autism was thought to have a cure from the 1950s to the 1970s. It was devastation to many mothers of an autistic child - not to mention the stigma attached to each of these women. ...

How Can You Reduce Teen Depression?

There are many new diseases rising day by day as we proceed towards the new century. Some are because of the rising pollution, while some are because of the rising stress and tension.

The Runners High and Why You Get It

The runners high is a myth. Most people say it is formed by endorphins which are released when the body reaches an exhaustive date.

The possible causes of social anxiety

SOCIAL anxiety is an excessive psychological and/or emotional distress about social interactions. The person with the anxiety experiences an overwhelming level of worry and fear about social situation

Integrated Treatment for Dual Diagnosis

People with a drug addiction who also have a mental illness are referred to as having a dual diagnosis. Integrated treatment for dual diagnosis typically involves medication and intense therapy that addresses both issues. Many drug treatment facilities offer dual diagnosis treatment, while other pla

How Chewing Gum Helps Stop Smoking

Cigarette smoking is dangerous to health. It puts your life as well as those near you at risk. In spite of knowing the cliché facts about the potent dangers of smoking, one fails to resist. The persistence level of quitting declines with time and eviction seems difficult and impossible.

How to Live an Olympic Life: Gold, Silver, Bronze

Have you been watching the Olympics? Are you impressed with the skill, style, determination, stamina, endurance, grace, and aesthetics of the athletes doing what they do best? If you're like millions of people across the world during these weeks, you are.