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Self-Improvement : Health & Medical

Appealing To The Subconscious Mind With Subliminal Messaging

The human conscious mind is not able to consciously recognize subliminal messages for what they are. A symbol or word flashes on the TV screen and even if the mind does not recognize it for what it is, chances are that if the message is repeated many times over, the mind will get to associate it wit

Is Your Life in Transition?

Times of transition are the most fertile ground for great change. In fact, that's exactly what they are; open windows that lead to growth and expanded awareness.

Why Does a Near Death Experience Wipe Away the Fear of Death?

There is something strange about the Near Death Experience (NDE) dissolving the fear of mortality, not just at the psychological level but right down to one's neurological base. It is very different from merely deriving some conceptual comfort through belief systems about the inevitable end. Th

Your Mental Work-Out For Financial Freedom

Claim you're on a diet then eat muffins when no-one is looking and you won't shed much weight. Start your journey to financial freedom but keep thoughts and actions that don't fit with your desire and the same applies.

What Are the Traits of the Millionaire Mindset?

Nowadays, everyone wants to become millionaire. But only a few of them can achieve their goals. But the question is that why all of us cannot reach that desired place? They may blame their luck for that. But each case is different and an unlucky person can be a millionaire too, it's all about y

Goal Setting Formula - The Art of Goal Setting

Do you know how can you set powerful goal that will keep you going on and on? Many people know that they should set their goals, but many of them did not do it right. That is why most people fail to achieve their goals.

How Visualization Helps You Achieve Your Goals

Do you feel like your goals are always just out of your grasp? Do you worry that the mistakes in your past are holding you back? First of all you should congratulate yourself that you have aspirations to leave your current situation behind and move toward a more successful life. Many people look at

There is No Competition, Period

The only time you are in competition with others is when you allow yourself to get caught up in what everyone else is doing. That's because when you spend your time minding other people's business, you stop minding your own.

Action Equals Success One Step At A Time

We often label our inability to take action as laziness,procrastination, and disorganisation but in essence it comes downto four words.fear!

Empowering Yourself With Subliminal Mind Control

Subliminal mind control through the use of the subliminal messages has proven to work perfectly well for some individual. On the other hand, some people do not really believe that the mind control techniques do work. However, research from various learning institution and stake holders have shown th

How To Erase Bad Memories In Four Easy Steps

Unless you've lived a charmed life, at some point, you've had a bad experience (either emotionally or physically painful) in your life. If you're like most people, you probably have that experience stuck on you, like a burr you can't quite dislodge. How can you erase bad memories

Just Do It!

These were fears that I felt. The fear of the unknown. The fear of things beyond my control. The fear of venturing out of my comfort zone...

How Do I Achieve My Dreams When People Say I Can't

If you are someone who is full of enthusiasm and ready to embark in a new business, project or goal, one of the disappointments you may be facing is how to demolish negative nannies, the people who laugh at you and tell you it can't or you won't achieve your dreams. You may even know of fa

The Art Of Buddhist Meditation

The objective of Buddhist Meditation is to remove from our minds our desires and cravings. To seek the truth, not just from an intellectual point of view but to pursue a holistic concept of life ...

Learn How To Win

Learning how to win is what separates the highest of achievers from the front runners.Having a mentor allows one to take the actions that create the intended results.However, to completely excel, one must be in enough situations to gain a feel for "winning the game."

Intriguing Unusual Unique Word That Refers To Our State Of Commitment

As I look around everywhere I go for interesting and intriguing topics to write about I found one on a Snickers candy bar wrapper. It was a Unique word combining hunger and the suffix "ectomy" which is Hungerectomy. The definition of the word is, "The complete and total removal of you