10 Self-Esteem Boosts

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Self-Improvement : Health & Medical

How to Turn Talents Into Strengths

"I don't do social media". Have you ever heard that comment from anyone? Translated it might mean "I don't get it", "I'm not interested", "I don't like it" or "I'm scared of it".


Recently I've written a lot on the benefits of meditation. The benefits are truly vast€¦meditation is a wonder drug for both the mind and the body. In my opinion, it is a vital component to ...

Discover Your Past Life In Dreams

It is possible to discover past lives in dreams on purpose or spontaneously. Maybe you are curious about your past life or you sense there is some sort of message found in this kind of awareness. Lessons can be learned from the past so that you don't have to keep repeating the same mistake. Whe

There Is No Such Thing As Competition!

I remember being told as a child, "You are something else. When you were made they broke the mold!" I thought this was a bad thing because of the context in which it was said. I was usually misbehaving and this was part of my reprimand.

This I Learned From My Father's Death

My father died broke and alone about four months ago, busted financially and in spirit. He hated this world in his last days, and many times told me he welcomed his demise.

Opportunity is Knocking - Will You Answer?

This article is for the leader in you. I invite you to take a moment and reconnect with what is precious to you. For who you are as a person is who you are as a leader. And our world needs inspired leaders now.

What Motivates You to Action?

Motivation is an acquired skill. In order to build it within yourself, whether its for your business or personal growth, you first must discover what it is that actually motivates you. Ask yourself questions...

Goal Setting Success - Children, Shamu and You

Think back to when your children first walked.I'm not talking about when they were still doing the two-step between the sofa and the coffee table - the coffee table and the sofa.No, I'm talking about the first time they turned loose of the coffee table and headed clear across the living ro

Christian Living - Something Special

I have always been a coffee drinker since that earliest time that I can remember. My grandmother would put a little of her coffee in a saucer, mix it with more milk and sugar than she used, and allow me to sip from the saucer. That simple pleasure is an illustration of one of the thousands and thous

NLP Modelling - Most reliable Impressive Method

Neuro-linguistic-programming,or in short NLP Modelling is a tactic applied to successfully assimilate productive strategies and behaviors and also the individual experience that occurs with these individuals. It is another option therapy that is certainly used ...

When You Break a Universal Law, You Experience Suffering

Suffering is the gift of the Creator to let you know when you have gotten off track. Sensitize yourself to joy and suffering and you will always know when you are going with the flow, and when you are going against the flow. Free will allows you to go against the flow, but prepare for suffering if y

Charmed Life Or a Life of Disaster?Quotes and Coaching Questions

I have met many people who seem to live wonderful almost charmed lives. My mother is one of these people. As you get to know her you would think that most of the time her life is easy and blessed. You would never know that she lost her mother to cancer when she was in high school, her oldest daughte

The 'Do Not Do' List

In brain science it is taught not to use the word "don't" because the mind does not accept the word, and instead whatever follows is exactly what you end up doing. Life well lived is best viewed as a journey, not a destination.

3rd Chakra

The third of the seven chakras of the human body is called the Manipura. This is a Sanskrit word that means 'lustrous gem'. The chakra is located in the solar plexus, navel and digestive system region and is the seat of the intellect.

Organizing - Get Your Stuff in Order

Why do we keep so much stuff? There are many reasons for it. Some things we keep for sentimental reasons, or we think that if we get rid of it we'll need it the next day.

Tips For Writing Your Self Hypnosis Scripts

Self hypnosis can be a very effective way to help improve your life, by changing your bad habits and any behaviors that you may find undesirable. As long as you follow certain techniques and steps hypnosis can be very helpful and it will not take too long before you start to see some long lasting re

8 Attributes of Effective Leaders

Leadership is both challenging and rewarding. Many people who find themselves in leadership roles got there based on their ability to get things done and to manage. The role of leader is different and therefore requires different qualities. What 8 attributes is it vital for leaders to have?