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Self-Improvement : Health & Medical

Why Don' t Most People Have Goals?

Every human being has an incredible capacity to achieve great things in his or her life. As long as there is no serious damage to a person's physical or mental faculties, any person of reasonable intelligence can go on to accomplish great things.

Strong Personalities May Rule, but They Don't Always Win!

Everyone knows a person who is a total go getter, ambitious, energetic and IN YOUR FACE! They seem to get whatever they want...This is NOT the case!These type A personalites need to take a chill pill..... and learn that their energy can overwhelm others, turn people off and hurt their success.Simple

Let the Magic of Creating Happen

When you are manifesting/creating in your life, you have to know with absolute certainty that what you are focusing on will come to be. But how can you have that certainty? Why would you have that certainty?

Dare To Be Prosperous

Are you tired of struggling for money? Learn about the many fears of prosperity that you may need to overcome in order to allow abundance into your life.

Becoming a Hypnotist

Once you know how to make use of conversational hypnosis, you may want to pursue a related career. As may be expected, there a number of things you can do as a hypnosis hypnotist. While some professions will require additional licensing, you can engage in others during your spare time, or even on th

Thinking Outside the Box to Help Others

Each of us has a Purpose in Life to bring forth our best potential and to help others do the same. As an example of how this might be done consider my brother-in-law who loves political humor and conservative values.

Revolution Vs. Resolution

Rather than making resolutions that are doomed to fail once again why not do something different this year? Start a personal revolution. In order to get different results in our lives what has to change? We do! Revolution; n. 1 a drastic and far reaching change in ways of thinking and behaving.&acir

Universal Laws of Life

Hello everyone, I am Ankush Sharma and I am thankful to all of you for reading my article on "Universal laws of life". When I first saw the movie named "Secret" around a year ago, ...

As A Caterpillar

Just as the Caterpillar transforms into something beautiful, so can you.These ideas will help to simplify your life.

Motivation is Key in School

The job of the teacher is to teach the students. If the students are not doing very well in class and this is evident in their performance, something is definitely wrong this is why motivation is in addition important if you wish the most appropriate to come out of the student.

Build Your Self Esteem and Create the Life You Want

Many of us are inspired by reading the words and stories of other peoples struggles, Similarly, if you read books or listen to programs that are Positive in nature, it will be much easier to take on these characteristics. So here is a great tip on how to feel more positive.

Do You Need A Corporate Reality Chcek?

In an age of accelerating change, it is critical that todays organizations get and stay in touch with the reality of the marketplace and especially within their own companies.

How To Eliminate Invalid Guilt, Which Usually Comes From External Sources

Do you ever feel guilty or get a bad feeling when you do something for yourself, or even think about it? These sort of feelings may be keeping you from having more of what you want, or even enjoying your life. Read on to learn methods of eliminating invalid guilt from your life.

The Spirit of the Blackthorn Tree

Let the Blackthorn be your strength, your perseverance, use it as your staff, as did Joseph of Arimathea when he arrived in Glastonbury and planted his staff which took root and blossomed. Read more to find out how.

Your Personal Concentration Strategy

Concentration is the utmost important tool in order to make the greatest success of anything you desire. You need to be able to concentrate your entire focus onto the idea you are developing in order to make it a full success.A successful person is able to fully concentrate on what does work for him

The 'You Are Loved' Natural Cure for Stress

Who would have thought about using energy healing techniques to counter stress and anxiety? However, there is direct relationship of stress and our body's energetic nature.

All Dressed Up And Nowhere To Go

Strategy that will help you avoid making costly mistakes.It is easier to part with your money than it is for you to recoup your losses.