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Self-Improvement : Health & Medical

What Does Science Have to Say About Self-Discipline?

It is a proven fact that some individuals tend to be bigger risk takers than others. Some people do not seem to have the ability to predict consequences, and even when they do, it's challenging ...

Your inner mentors will help you become more confident.

In order to achieve a goal, most people need to cross a threshold into an unknown territory, which is often times outside their comfort zone. Crossing the threshold is where most people fail. It takes ...


Both enthusiasm and pessimism are contagious. How much of each do you spread?If someone were to pay you ten dollars for each kind word you spoke and five dollars for each unkind word, would you be rich or poor?

Self Hypnosis - Hypnosis Techniques

What is self hypnosis, you ask? Many say this is the process by which you hypnotize yourself. Instead of the hypnotist suggesting what you should do, the inner part of ourselves takes over. The deeper into the hypnotic state you go the more connected the mind and body become. Many times this method

How To Get What You Want And Keep It

I have learnt this secret form my mentor the late Jim Rohn who taught me how to get everything I want. Jim said if we help others get what they want, we will have everything ...

Life Coaching Makes a Difference

Becoming a life coach can make a difference in your life, and in the life of someone else. Explore this awesome profession and find out how it can have an impact on your life, and the lives of others.

Christmas Cheer in a Thai Prison

For several years I have corresponded with prison penpals from around the world.Many spend a lonely Christmas and are fortunate if they receive any Christmas cards from their family.In prison, the "festive season" can be the loneliest season of all reminding them of how far they are away

Make It Happen

Your school may have done away with winners and losers, but life HAS NOT!Find out what separates the two and join the more fulfilling side.

Factors of Failure

While there is so much stuff out there on what to do to achieve success, few people (if any) talk about what NOT to do. This article sums it up.

Compliment Giving Art - Avoid One Innocent Mistake

If you are a mathematician - like my friend - then please understand that "Compliment Giving Art" is not only about seducing a woman sensually. In fact, "Compliment giving art is one of the most powerful formulas which is widely used by elite people for becoming the center of attentio

Quotations #7

*Nothing great is produced suddenly, since not even the grape or the fig is. If you say to me now that you want a fig, I will answer to you that it requires time: let it flower first, then put forth fruit, and then ripen. Epictetus. *The best preparation for the future is the present well seen to, t

The Theology of Mutual Respect

How else are we to reciprocate relating to God's enormous blessing of respect - to give us (and trust us with) free will? This sort of trust is an utterly amazing concept. How will we repay this trust?