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Cultures & Groups : Society & Culture & Entertainment
The History of Brazilian Masks
Brazil's indigenous cultures employed masks long before Carnival made the country famous for them. They are most often seen at the tourist-attracting celebration.
How to Wear Samurai Attire
Samurai were Japanese warriors that grew to prominence in the late 8th century. Samurai are well known for their use of a number of weapons, but the weapon that became symbolic of these military class men was the samurai sword, which became part of samurai attire. By employing the Japanese code of e
Cultural Consequences of Globalization
As globalization spreads throughout the world, cultures must deal with the effects. The actual influence depends on each individual. Some societies want globalization for the possible financial advantages while others seek to prohibit ideas that will bring change. Opponents often want to preserve tr
Indian Arrowheads & Artifacts
Indian artifacts date back to the Paleolithic era, approximately 12,000 BC. Collectors "hunt" for arrowheads near water sources, where tribes often hunted. Other artifacts appear wherever settlements were constructed.
Oaxacan Types of Music
Oaxaca has a vast musical heritage. As every region in Mexico, Oaxaca has developed its own musical styles and interpretations, blending traditional sounds and instruments with newly introduced forms. A visitor to Oaxaca will encounter a musical diversity that reflects the region's rich cultural her
The Purpose of Feathers in Headbands
In many Native American cultures across the continent, feathers were placed in headdresses. Headdresses were used to communicate status and occupation. The styles of the headdresses, as well as the types of ornaments used to adorn them, have their own purposes and meanings. Feathers often signified
Cheeseburger Festival in Caseville Michigan
The "Cheeseburger in Caseville" festival is held for ten days in August in the normally quiescent beach town of Caseville, Michigan. It is based on the famous tune by Jimmy Buffet entitled "Cheeseburger in Paradise," and celebrates American and Caribbean culture.
Scholarships for Older African American Women
Financial support offers new image by cherie from Fotolia.comAccording to a 2001 study, facilitated by the University of Connecticut Center on Aging, older African American women felt their life experiences made them wiser and now had time to better their own lives....
What Are the Causes of the Migration of African Americans?
African Americans relied on agricultural jobs for survival in the south.plantation image by Christian De Brito from Fotolia.comWithin the 20th century, the African American population underwent a gradual migration from the southern parts of the United States to the northern. Also known as...
Trumpet Mouthpiece Information
The trumpet, like all other brass instruments, uses a mouthpiece, where the musician places his lips and blows air. The trumpeter makes slight adjustments to the position of his lips to alter the tone of the sound being produced.
The Intuitive-Projective Stage of Spiritual Development
The intuitive-projective stage of spiritual development begins around age three for most children and continues until age seven when the child moves onto the next stage. The theory of spiritual development stages was developed by James Fowler in 1981 in his book "Stages of Faith: The Psychology of H
How to Control Fire Magic
Fire magic is the magic of destruction, as well as divination and passion. Typically, its destructive force is used to eradicate bad habits and disease. It is also used as a symbol of the sun in New Year rituals and as a medium for divination. However, fire magic is unpredictable and very powerful.
The History of Mauritius
The Republic of Mauritius developed with influences of the countries that colonized the nation in the Indian Ocean. African heritage and Islamic influences also shaped the island where dodos once roamed. Historically, Arab and Malaysian settlers were aware of Mauritius since the 10th century.
How to Mod With a Migration Kit
A migration kit is a small cable that plugs into your XBox 360. It allows you to transfer your files from one hard drive to another. However, it is possible to mod some aspects of your XBox 360 using the migration kit. You can alter your saved game data by using the kit, giving yourself more weapons
Beauty Customs for Russian Women
Though modern Russian women share many beauty customs with the West, such as makeup brands and fashion trends, they still employ many traditional beauty rituals as well. This blending of tradition and modern fashion helps Russian women create their own unique style.
Expanding the Light and Loving Lorne Martin
Relevant to the 2012 Shift of the Ages, my weekly offering of some Salt Spring Island ~ herstory. From the perspective of my zoomed out spiritual view of everything I know so far, my association ...
How to Become a Licensed Tattoo Artist in Canada
You've spent your life making artistic doodles and drawings, and maybe you dream of displaying those creations on a human canvas. Yes, we're talking about tattoos. No longer relegated to the seedy underworld, the tattoo artist (or permanent cosmetics professional) is now a career path held in high e
What Are the Tribes of Adonai?
The Tribes of Adonai, also known as the 12 Tribes of Israel, are the ancestors of the tribes of Israel. Jacob had fathered 12 sons and who the tribes are named after. The tribes were split into four sections -- Eastern, Southern, Western and Northern -- because of their positions around the Tabernac
Definition of Chatelaine
The word chatelaine has several different meanings all of which relate back to the original Latin word for castle. It is a person, a piece of jewelry and a sewing tool. It has even come to have a metaphorical meaning that people use to name their blogs.
A transparent Social Behavior Can Help Build A Long Lasting Social Relationship
Social behavior is a concept of creating social relationship with the people living in the society. It is the relationship between two individuals or groups forming a society or the social structure. We are in ...