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Religion & Spirituality : Society & Culture & Entertainment
When Was Jesus Born?
The world claims Jesus was born December 25.But when was he really born?John Reid explains.
Intellectual Curiosity vs. Religious Orthodoxy
The more widely a person reads and studies, the harder it can be to hold on to traditional, orthodox beliefs. One need only look at the extent to which fundamentalist and conservative religious groups have historically denounced higher education, skepticism, and critical thinking to recognize this.
Teaching Your Child to Find His or Her Own Psychic Answers
All children have inherent psychic ability. This psychic ability is called intuition, and it has great implications for many aspects of a child's life, including safety and success. For children, one of the most important ...
How to Become a Prayer Companion
Some individuals believe prayer to be an extremely important part of their daily routine so they may decide to seek out another person with whom to pray. This will assist them in gaining new insights as to what to pray for and how to pray. There is strength in numbers, so praying with a partner may
How to Write a Candle Light Memorial Service
Candle light memorial services can honor one person or many. Hospice organizations and funeral homes often sponsor candle light services. The Compassionate Friends, a bereavement group for parents who have lost children, conducts an annual worldwide candle light service the second Sunday of December
Illusion of Impact
The numbers of pastors that are leaving the ministry is staggering. Most statistics say that 60% to 80% of those who enter the ministry will not still be in it 10 years later, and only a fraction will stay in it as a lifetime career. Why is that? How do you go from being called to enter the ministry
Dect Phones Old Technology But Still Remains New
Make sure that you know where the cords back again again! The American television producer and actor did some important fashion choices back then of 1980's. Taking a college course online can be the answer to this problem.
Specific Yantra Comes with a Specific Mantra In Order to Gain Benefits
A yantra is very advantageous to the wearer. It offers health, wealth, and happiness that are correspondingly provided by rudraksha. However, one has to conform to the strict procedure in order to mak
Steps to Teach Kids How to Pray
When children are just starting to understand who God is, one thing they need to be shown is that they can talk to God through prayer. There are some traditional prayers that children can be taught to pray, but more important than learning those prayers is teaching children why they are supposed to
Search Your Inner Soul Via Meditation Part 1
Believe it or not, Mediation has been around the world even before the written history. All religions be it Hinduism, Christianity, Buddhism etc., Meditation has a traditional placed in all though onl
What Is the Hardest Spiritual Journey?
We live in a time of rationality and reason. As long as you can prove something by scientific means or a reasonable argument, then it is acceptable to society at large. We spend hours every ...
Christians - Identify Your Cross
One of life's greatest challenges to the Christians is about taking up the cross. Looked at critically, the decision has less to do with just taking up the cross, but more to do with the ability to identify it and realize that it needs to be taken up. The questions raised hereunder may be help-
Resolve Nadi Dosha : Ayurveda way
In Indian society of the day; we have either forgotten some of the concepts or have lost their real and original meaning significance. 'Nadi' is one such concept. To understand its m
Origins of Gospel and Christian Music
Music has been part of life since early history. Archaeological finds of musical instruments date back to thousands of years BC. We read in the Bible that in Abraham's time it was common practice to celebrate special events with songs accompanied by harps and timbrels.
Patience - Our Faith Builder
Patience shapes and molds us into the image of Christ concerning the welfare of mankind. The testing our faith develops patience. God uses negative situations and negative people to develop us spiritually.
Mark 1:14-20 Answering God's Call
God calls the unlikely and he says, "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men". Discipleship involves taking a leap of faith into the unknown while at the same time trusting Jesus to lead us to the right destination.
Plumber In Miami
Even if you are a do-it-yourselfer like many of us here in Miami Florida, there will come a time where you must hire a licensed and profession plumberto service your home or business in Miami, Florida. After all, some jobs are just too tough to do yourself or may even be dangerous for you to do with
Beginning Your Meditation Journey With This Technique
Without question the greatest dilemma that a good number of folks have when they're planning to get started with meditation is that they have trouble concentrating. That is just part of the reality of meditation ...
Palm Sunday Crafts for Kids
Christian churches decorate with palms to honor Palm Sunday.cross in sky image by jimcox40 from Fotolia.comPalm Sunday, the first day of Holy Week, celebrates Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem. On Palm Sunday, Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament prophecy ((Isaiah 62:11 and Zechariah...
Inner Strength of the Minority V/s the Bullying Majority
So often we quietly turn a blind eye to the mocking attitude of the Bully who tries his supposedly 'superior' status to mock, even attack the seemingly weaker minority. Who is the ultimate winner of t