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Religion & Spirituality : Society & Culture & Entertainment
Tips for Squashing Negativity from Your Life
What if you had a rule that no family arguments were allowed under your roof?
Aura Readings: An Introduction
Aura readings involves the gathering of information about a person by reading his or her aura. Reading aurais popular even in today's society, and there are even techniques that can help you see your aura or develop the ability to see others' auras.
Entertaining America - The Staggering Cost in Dollars and Lives
It would seem that the citizens of the richest country in the world are bored to tears. To offset these doldrums Americans give up cash, health and security with ease. Why are we so driven to be entertained at any cost?
How to Make a King Tut Statue for a School Project
King Tutankhamen (Tut) is one of the most easily-recognizable figures of ancient Egypt. School-age students learning about Egypt and its famous boy king often make replicas of Tut: posters or other drawings; mock sarcophagi with the mummified Tut inside; cardboard or construction paper versions of T
Mary And Jesus - Do You Know?
In this post, I am going to tell the story of how does our Virgin Mary struggle and goes ahead of trials upon having Jesus in her infant.
Liu I-Ming On Reification
Taoist adept Liu I-Ming steers us safely away from the trap of reification.
Make Yourself Look Better By Reading On
Loking your best and staying ¬eautiful i• important in today's society. However, knowing this and staying beautiful 24/7 is sometimes easier said than done. These pointers w-ll give ou some easy and pact-cal information you ...
Alien Invasion of Planet Earth PART ONE
In this treatise, Pastor Michael explains what Jesus meant when He declared, As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be before the coming of the Son of Man." What was happening in the days of Noah? Are those things happening now and what role do aliens - if they actully exist - have to play?
What Does the Bible Say About Spiritual Rebirth?
The new birth is one of the most exciting doctrines of Christianity, but what does it mean, how does it occur, and what happens after you receive it?
The Day Of Judgment Is Approaching
Death is coming closer by the day. Whether you are young or old, death is a little closer to you every day, even every minute. You cannot resist time or prevent death's approach. Nothing you do can ch
Learn to Pray Well
Prayer is usually taken for granted among those who do pray. It is assumed that you already know the ins and outs involved in prayer. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Moses and the Burning Bush - Meeting the Great "None of Your Business What My Name Is"
"I am that I am," has evolved in Christian theology as a deeply profound statement as to the nature of the true God.It has been used to prove that God is the self-subsistant Being of a deeper theology."Ebyeh asher ebyeh" - I am that I am.Funny thing is, is that this statement by
Legal Aide & Funeral Arrangements
Legal aides work with the elderly and people on low incomes to provide legal assistance. Death planning, health insurance coverage and general monetary assistance are some of the areas of expertise for these workers.
Is Christmas a Holy Day of Obligation?
Is Christmas a Holy Day of Obligation in the Catholic Church?
Inside the Southern Baptist Church Service
When most people close their eyes and imagine what a Baptist Church service looks like, they'll almost always describe people clapping and dancing to the music on Sunday morning. It's widely understood that Baptist's love their music. It's also widely believed that their preacher
The Empress Within the Tarot of Love
Generally considered to celebrity because the perfect consultant arcane womanly energy. In the tarot of affection, actually, when asked about the sex of the unborn child requires the appearance of that notice as an indicator ...
How to Learn Where a Friend Is Buried
It's difficult enough when a friend passes; when the site of burial is unknown it is impossible to pay your respects with any sense of closure. Finding the burial place of a friend is a challenging but doable task. There are several ways to determine where a friend is buried even if you know very li
Vastu Shastra, Vastu Expert and Vedic Astrologer
Are you stressed and anxious without cause? Do you have headaches when waking, disturbed sleep, skin infections, diabetes, blood pressure problems, ADHD, heart or stomach problems, low immunity? Did y
What Does it Mean to Be an American?
Some see being an American as a source of pride, embodying the ideals which exemplify the best of humanity. Others believe America has not reached those ideals and must strive to improve both what America could be and what it is right now. Regardless of your philosophy or political outlook, being an
The Mountain Of God Sits On The Top Of The Mountains As Retribution Occurs
Reincarnation is the only way that people can return to be judged. It has happened and God's Mountain is where the ones with spiritual power are turning for answers.