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Religion & Spirituality : Society & Culture & Entertainment
The Lincoln Affair (Scarlet Threads - Part Forty-Four)
Conspiracy theories. Don't you hate them? I challenge you, though, to read this one and to research it further. What was behind Lincoln's assassination?
Imagine There's No Heaven...
Every so often, it's not a bad idea to do a little self-evaluation. That's what this message is - an opportunity for Christians to do a bit of soul-searching and ask themselves if a few tough questions about their faith.
Beautiful Bird of Paradise Flower
Download free Christian desktop wallpaper featuring inspirational Bible verses and pictures for Windows and Macintosh.
The Law of Attraction: Your Worst Nightmare
The law of attraction is way over-rated. All around you are all these new guru type people preaching this new gospel about attraction. You are probably wondering about the law of attraction. Its basic principle ...
Advent Wreath Prayer for the Third Week of Advent
In the prayer for the Advent wreath for the third week of Advent, we anticipate Christmas, and so we ask Christ to grant us His grace that we might be prepared for welcoming His Birth.
The Temple of Rejuvenation by Luanne Oaks, Ph.D.
The Temple of Rejuvenation by Luanne Oaks, Ph.D is composed of 8 CD's that utilize the power of vibration technology, Quantum physics, sacred messages, and ancient wisdom that help you to restore and revitalize the ...
Compassion - The Illusive Goal of Organized Religions
The primitive ego of our inner-child uses black-and-white beliefs to keep our world simple and safe. Because of our primitive ego's insistence that our beliefs, especially our religious faith beliefs, represent absolute truth, there is no way we can avoid offending those who disagree with us un
Do Muslims believe in the evil eye?
Do Muslims believe in the evil eye, and how do they protect themselves against it?
Father Oprah and the Marriage Scandal
The Catholic Church was aghast when Father Oprah married his long time girlfriend of two years who he had managed to keep under wraps. The Miami priest whose photos caused uproar when they were published had to finally acknowledge his girlfriend.
Crafts for Lessons on the Holy Spirit for Children
Teaching children about the Holy Spirit can be challenging, as some kids may see the concept as abstract or unfamiliar. However, incorporating crafts or artwork into the lesson can help children apply the concept of the Holy Spirit to their own lives, and can also help those students who might lear
Advice for Getting Out of a Self-Critical Cycle
Learning how to start appreciating and seeing yourself for the loving soul you truly are.
Online Psychic Mediums: Your Questions About The Afterlife Answered? (The Straight Scoop)
Are online mediums accurate? What does a medium do? Are they spiritual, religious or all weird and new age? What is the very best way to TEST a medium to make sure they are real? And if they ARE in fa
Jade Sholty - 'One Breath at a Time
There is a tone of truth that comes across strong in every song on One Breath at a Time by Christian singer Jade Sholty and it serves to draw you in.
Roman Catholic Beliefs ... Salvation
A comparison of the teaching of salvation, as taught by the Roman Catholic Church, with God's Word, the Bible.
Improve the Energy Inside Your Home
We all can appreciate the beautiful healing energy of spending time in nature, away from civilization. But eventually we have to come home.Before we can start filling our homes with positive energy, w
You Are So Wonderful!
God has engraved your name on the palm of His hand. He knew you before you were formed in your mother's womb. You were fearfully and wonderfully made. In fact, He knew you before the ...
Are You Skeptical Of Clairvoyant Psychic Readings
A great many people believe that the telephone psychic, the palm reader, tarot card readings, the Ouija Board and everything else that could possibly be construed as being paranormal in nature can be
About Children Sermons
Churches take several different approaches to serving the children attending services. Some facilitate a parallel children's church service. Others excuse the children during the sermon, but they include them for the worship and the celebration of the sacraments. Fewer churches do not make any conce
How was the Son of God made man?
Question 70 of the Baltimore Catechism asks, "How was the Son of God made man?"
Why You Do Not Have an "Old Nature" Or "Old Man" (So You Don't Need To "Sta
Today I'm attacking Christian Lie #20: "You must starve the old nature and feed the new one."Do you still have an old sin nature now that you're a Christian?If it exists, then is your job now as a Christian to "starve it" more than you "feed" your new nature?R