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Religion & Spirituality : Society & Culture & Entertainment

Real Mediums

Finding a real medium is something that you have to do for yourself. If someone refers you to a medium you should see them. Don't just stop there. It is like anything else. You should ...

Ramadan 2010

Ramadan is an important month for all Muslims. It is considered a gift from Allah (S.W.T) to all Muslims. This month is meant to teach Muslims patience, tolerance and modesty. Ramadan is a month for spiritual teaching during which all Muslims pray and fast for Allah.

What Happens When We Humble Ourselves Under the Mighty Hand of God

Once we have adapted ourselves to casting all of our cares upon the Lord then we can actually live in peace. Nothing will overtake us because we know to cast it upon the Lord and He will take care of it for us. This along is good news and worth praising the Lord for, but there is still more good new

Help me God!

€Help me God€ only these words are not sufficient if you are suffering from poverty, disease, depression. I know that God is everywhere to help you but he has also planned to succeed your requirements ...

4 - The Emperor

What does the Emperor mean when he appears in a Tarot Card reading?

Stellar Kart Interview

Stellar Kart is touring with Kutless and BarlowGirl on the Strong Tower tour. I had a chance to talk with the guys while they were in Prattville, AL recently.

Can Christians Eat Pork?

Christians can eat pork as well as other food as long as we have given thanks and ask for cleansing through the blood of Jesus. However, we should abstain from food offered to idols, blood and meat of strangled animals.

How to Be More Devoted to God

Devotion to God is developed through practice just as with other virtuous habits. Drawing closer to Him enables you to create a closer bond and dependency on Him. Just as parents require time from their children and want to be needed by them, the Lord is the same way. He is a jealous God who wants

Employment Division, Department of Human Resources of Oregon v. Smith (1990)

Should religious groups be able to ignore generally applicable laws? If religious believers think that they have religious reasons for some activity that is otherwise illegal, should they be allowed to do it freely while others are prosecuted and jailed for the same activity? That was the question r

Betsy Walker - 'Come By Here

This is an interesting mix of musical styles and lyrical magic. Betsy manages to take you through a wonderful journey of melodies mixed with excellent harmonies while delivering a down to earth message.

When Is Epiphany 2017?

Epiphany, the 12th day after Christmas, celebrates the visit of the three wise men to the Christ Child. Find the date of Epiphany 2017.

Warren Buffett: Atheist Philanthropist?

People sometimes say, or just imply, that atheists don't do charitable work like religious theists. This is supposed to demonstrate how much better theistic

Drawing a Line Under Is Not a Present

At least once each day, usually much more frequently, I obtain calls from clients asking about ex-loves from who they would like to get drawing a line under. Sometimes it is a freshly damaged relationship ...

Letting Go of Control

Unfasten your seat belt! Prepare to be flung from your seat!” The Tibetan teasingly offers this remedy for my obsession with control. Yes, I'm a control freak and proud of it! It's how I manage this i

Fact or Fiction?

When the storms come it is crucial that what we have built is stands upon a firm solid sound foundation.Throwing up something built upon sand is quicker and cheaper but will not stand the storm.