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Religion & Spirituality : Society & Culture & Entertainment

Adam & Eve Craft for Sunday School

The story of Adam and Eve and creation is in the book of Genesis in the Bible. Children will have fun learning about this story while doing related crafts. Ensure that crafts are age appropriate, as younger children such as preschoolers have limited dexterity. Components of this story include Adam,

Which Is the Best Istikhara Ki Dua

Introduction:- The Istikhara is a Muslim tradition that's powerfully frozen within the culture of the Shiah. This system is extremely sturdy to use. The Istikhara means that Supreme Being. This can be an Istikhara ki ...

Being Present and Conscious With Others

It is a human tendency to categorize each other. We place labels on people and tell ourselves that is who they are. Once we create a label we look for evidence to continually prove that the label is c

Prayer Lyrics to Enhance Your Praying Power

Prayer lyrics have been around for centuries and in the old days Prayer Lyrics were a generally practiced method of praying. King David in the Bible used a lot of praying scriptures and lyrics to pray.

7 Ways You Can Detect a False Prophet!

I asked this question tonight on Yahoo answers. "So how do we tell who is a false prophet?" and I got a big range of answers and I would like to distill them into 7 things you might want to look out for when looking at ministries and individuals.

Great Expectations

Thousands of years ago, the prophet Isaiah proclaimed: A child is born to us! He will be called "Wonderful Counselor,Prince of Peace." (9:6, Good News Translation) What welcome news for his audience, the war-torn people of Israel, who were besieged by a powerful enemy, the Assyrians.

Should a Christian Play Poker?

Poker, gambling and its forms have often been considered acceptable in today's society. What does the Bible say about Christian poker players? Should a Christian play poker?

What Is Meant By Mind Over Matter?

You must have heard your parents using the phrase 'mind over matter' during some childhood toothache or stomachache that you had. In that case your mother was perhaps trying to lessen your pain by asking you to focus away from it. Nevertheless, be it concentrating to bear with pain or actu

Swami Shivapadananda Daily Reading - Day 78

Taken from Mother Radha's notes, written at Swamiji's feet. Sri Ramakrishna knew the whole of spirituality; and he revealed the Truth. The Truth awakens in you only when you practise the sadhanas [spiritual practices] of ...

The Works of Voodoo and Magic

If you are heavily into magic, voodoo, and mystical powers that can positively help you in your life, companies like Spellbinding Sisters will allow you to purchase the tools and accessories that you may need ...

You Are The Presence And The Power Of The Creator

There are people who go through life without realizing the answers to the most important questions about what their existence in this world is all about. In order to really live a conscious and meaningful life, you need to know the secret of what life is about. You want to know the three most import

The Guru of his own father - Lord Senthilandavar

The name Murugan is derived from the word “Murugu” meaning honey, beauty, fragrance and eternal youth. As the name indicates Murugan, God of love, beauty and power has been extending his charms on millions of ...

Ear Candling

Explore a sampling of the vast content featured throughout the About Holistic Healing Guide Site by clicking on the images in this photo index.

Giving Gifts - Improving Those Around You

We have opportunities everyday to leave a gift with those we come in contact with. And we do impact those around you. Are you sharing your blessings with others?