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Yoga : Health & Medical
Meditation Can Make You Emotionally Distressed
Meditation is associated with relaxation and peace. It is not well known that meditation releases our traumas, grief, fears and anger. These emotions are experienced physically and affect us psychologically. Such an experience can make a person feel more distressed. From Nature's perspective, i
Yoga for PMS
When you're experiencing PMS, the last thing you probably want to do is exercise or even exert yourself in any way. But the truth is, working out and performing yoga probably the best thing to do for yourself during that time of the month. The following yoga poses can help relieve the unpleasan
The Benefits of Guided Meditation Audios
Guided Meditation Audio is an effective method to discover the benefits of meditation without engaging in decades of practising. Regular meditation has been found to impact almost any part of your daily life in the most beneficial of ways. Try it for yourself - you won't be disappointed.
Basic Yoga Postures and Their Variations
The Cobra - Do this in easy stages. Lie down, face prone, legs tightly together and stretched back, forehead on the floor.
Grants For Yoga Teachers
You can learn yoga and become a yoga teacher by making use of grants an scholarships an other provisions offered by many yoga training institutions.
Top 10 Reasons to Meditate
You may have heard a lot about the benefits of meditation recently. It can get rid of your stress. Give you a powerful calm center.
How to Meditate For Beginners - A Guide For Breathing Meditation Techniques
Looking for the basics on How to Meditate For Beginners? Don't panic, believe me I was lost too.When I was first introduced to meditation. I couldn't even spell it. So, let go of your fears and let me share with you the basics.
Buddhist Breath Meditation - Seven Steps
Phra Ajaan Lee Dhammadharo explains fundamental Buddhist breath meditation that can not only lead directly to enlightenment, but on the way cure emotional, psychological and physical ailments. (The words in quotation marks have been changed in the text to clarify the instructions).
Stressed Out? This Amazing Technique Will Save Your Sanity!
Stressed out? That phrase accurately describes most of ustoday. The demands made on us by job, family, loverelationships the multiple streams of sensory input thatbombard us daily the often pessimistic media predictions ofour future can devastate our overall sense of well-being.
Cosmic Meditation - Amazing Experiences of Unity for All
At the heart of the cosmic meditation practice is the simple yet powerful unified or "group mind" idea of attaining transcendence through the collective, rather than individual effort of the one.Much of what eastern meditative philosophy speaks of is the idea of "no self", or the
Yoga and Meditation - Your Guided 10 Breath Experiment For Patience and Stillness of the Body
Freeze your physical position right now, and let's take 10 breaths together. With each breath we'll become aware of a different part of the body. At the end of the experiment, see how much quieter your mind is, and whether any tension left the body.
How to Perform Dhanurasana in Full Spectrum Yoga
The Dhanurasana in Full Spectrum Yoga is a pose which loosens the muscles of the back. Yoga in its original form is actually a path to spiritual enlightenment and union with the Supreme Consciousness. This system of beliefs and practices is closely tied with the Hindu religion and is found almost ex
Meditation Using Binaural Beats
Most people know that meditation can bring an expanded consciousness and make one feel more spiritual. While this is great in and of itself, it also has many practical uses regarding one's general health and well being. For instance, did you know that meditation reduces stress, blood pressure,
Avoiding Low Back Pain From Yoga Classes
It is one of the most common reason why people are sent to the hospital. Lower back pain is very prevalent in people who work in offices all day that have daily routines that do not support their back. There are a lot of causes for back pain but most of them are due to your habits.
About Catfish
Of all the fish in the world, catfish are a rare combination: fascinating and delicious. Catfish can walk on land, inflict mortal wounds or grow to the size of a grizzly bear. And although they may not realize it themselves, catfish have proved to be a powerful player in national economies, the scie
The Yoga Cure: How To Rid Yourself Of Stress, Pounds, Toxins, Cholesterol And Cravings
Yoga is one of the most holistic exercises there is, focusing on the trinity of mind, body, and spirit. Countless benefits include easing anxiety, improving coordination, strength, and posture, and aids in weight-loss because it combines deep breathing, relaxing meditation, and limbering poses.
What Is a Gong Meditation?
The gong has been used for thousands of years as an important a tool for healing and meditation. When you experience a Gong Meditation, you can expect to do a few relaxing breathing exercises to open the body's chakras (energy centers), and then comfortably recline to your mat or a chair or sit
Yoga Teacher Telephone Tips
The first impression a potential student receives is through a phone call or an Email.It is extremely rare to advertise in your local newspaper and have Yoga students "drop out of the sky" into your studio, without an initial phone call or an Email inquiry.
Causes of Tiredness and How Yoga Can Help
These 3 causes of tiredness can be helped by yoga. Once you've found the causes, identify the solutions. A daily practice of yoga is difficult to establish. Find out how you can practice daily to help cure tiredness.
Rishikesh: The Birth Place of Yoga
Rishikesh is the holistic place in the Indian subcontinent. It is well-known for its spirituality. The place harbors various temples.