Avoid a Common Mistake Online Marketers Make With PDF Documents

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It is a common practice for online marketers to upload the new Annual Report or company brochure to the corporate website having just received it from the design agency.
Often these documents are in Portable Document Format (PDF) due to the small file size and wide use of Acrobat Reader by potential viewers of the document.
It is not until the new PDF is indexed by search engines such as Google, that the mistake is realised.
Instead of the search results showing the title of the Annual Report (eg.
Acme Trading 2008 Annual Report), there is a strange file-name with the file extension .
qxd or .
ind displayed (eg.
Many graphic designers use Quark Express or Adobe InDesign to create PDF documents such as an Annual Report or a corporate brochure.
Designers have a series of templates to work from rather than create each project from scratch.
These templates have a generic file-name and automatically record the author name which is then saved in the Properties section of the document.
Every marketer that works with these type of documents should have Acrobat Professional software installed on their computer.
When the PDF is returned from the agency, open the document in Acrobat Professional, go into Properties and change the Title of the document to something meaningful that will help users find the report if they search in a search engine.
It is also worth changing the Author name to the company name.
This is a very simple process and creates a much more professional presentation to the general public.
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