A Strategic View of Changing Customer Complaints Into Customer Compliments
When someone complains about their experience with your business, how do you view those complaints?How do you handle complaints?Do you encourage people to complain if they are not satisfied with your product or service?Do you have any type of procedure to handle complaints?Do you have any idea of the value of complaints? Yes, I know that I just asked you many questions and you are probably saying what Ronald Reagan became accustomed to saying, "There you go again.
"Well, in coaching, questions lead to answers and so there are many questions needed to find answers.
And there are answers to the above questions that I believe require a strategic thinking view.
Complaint handling is a strategic tool and all businesses and organizations need to make a commitment to address complaints in a professional manner.
Unfortunately, in today's world, handling complaints is very misunderstood and undervalued in business.
Did you know that 70% of dissatisfied customers will return if their complaint is resolved favorably?Did you know that 95% of dissatisfied customers will return if you resolve their complaint on the spot? Complaining customers are really a treasure.
That means there is great value in resolving complaints.
Remember, it takes six (6) times more effort to attract new customers than to retain existing customers.
Looking at turning complaints into compliments, I suggest a strategic thinking approach is needed.
So, with this mindset, I developed a short list of action items that I believe will turn your complaints into compliments.
These action items are: Action #1:Appreciate the fact that they have brought a complaint to you.
You should thank them and then be calm and very attentive as they share their complaint.
Action #2:Acknowledge the feelings of the person with the complaint, but DO NOT tell them you know how they feel.
This is a major error and could cause a rapid disengagement with the customer.
Make sure you allow them enough time to say what they want to say about their complaint.
Action #3:Provide an individual to listen to the complaint.
Make this person accessible to the customer and have that person respond immediately to begin the process of addressing the complaint.
Action #4:Exhibit honesty and sincerity at all times with the customer.
An apology is appropriate to acknowledge your being sorry that the customer had a negative experience.
It is critical to give the customer your undivided attention and to maintain a calm demeanor and remain non-confrontational.
Action #5:Ask the customer about solutions.
It is a very effective tactic to ask very open-ended questions to help identify potential solutions to the problem in the complaint.
For example, you could ask the customer, "What would make you feel better about this?"Or "What would you like to see happen in response to your complaint?"This enables you to potentially form an alliance with the customer to solve the problem.
You can create an atmosphere of establishing the attitude that you and the customer are in this together to find a solution.
Action #6: Be a "person of your word.
"You must do what you say you will do.
Make promises you can keep and make sure you keep them.
Action #7:Follow Up with your customer.
This is a wonderful opportunity for increased contacts with your customer.
Send them a note and let them know you appreciate their business, that they shared their complaint and that this experience will enable your company to improve.
These are very practical and useful actions you can do to turn complaints into compliments.
It is very important to remember that an unresolved complaint is very costly and very damaging to your company.
Swift, effective and caring complaint resolution is a very effective strategic tool for your business.
And probably the most important thing to remember is that people, not companies, resolve complaints.
If you would like to learn more about the importance of listening to customer complaints and fostering a culture of swift, effective and caring responses to complaints so you too can turn complaints into compliments, please contact Glenn Ebersole today through his website at http://www.
com or by email at jgecoach@aol.
"Well, in coaching, questions lead to answers and so there are many questions needed to find answers.
And there are answers to the above questions that I believe require a strategic thinking view.
Complaint handling is a strategic tool and all businesses and organizations need to make a commitment to address complaints in a professional manner.
Unfortunately, in today's world, handling complaints is very misunderstood and undervalued in business.
Did you know that 70% of dissatisfied customers will return if their complaint is resolved favorably?Did you know that 95% of dissatisfied customers will return if you resolve their complaint on the spot? Complaining customers are really a treasure.
That means there is great value in resolving complaints.
Remember, it takes six (6) times more effort to attract new customers than to retain existing customers.
Looking at turning complaints into compliments, I suggest a strategic thinking approach is needed.
So, with this mindset, I developed a short list of action items that I believe will turn your complaints into compliments.
These action items are: Action #1:Appreciate the fact that they have brought a complaint to you.
You should thank them and then be calm and very attentive as they share their complaint.
Action #2:Acknowledge the feelings of the person with the complaint, but DO NOT tell them you know how they feel.
This is a major error and could cause a rapid disengagement with the customer.
Make sure you allow them enough time to say what they want to say about their complaint.
Action #3:Provide an individual to listen to the complaint.
Make this person accessible to the customer and have that person respond immediately to begin the process of addressing the complaint.
Action #4:Exhibit honesty and sincerity at all times with the customer.
An apology is appropriate to acknowledge your being sorry that the customer had a negative experience.
It is critical to give the customer your undivided attention and to maintain a calm demeanor and remain non-confrontational.
Action #5:Ask the customer about solutions.
It is a very effective tactic to ask very open-ended questions to help identify potential solutions to the problem in the complaint.
For example, you could ask the customer, "What would make you feel better about this?"Or "What would you like to see happen in response to your complaint?"This enables you to potentially form an alliance with the customer to solve the problem.
You can create an atmosphere of establishing the attitude that you and the customer are in this together to find a solution.
Action #6: Be a "person of your word.
"You must do what you say you will do.
Make promises you can keep and make sure you keep them.
Action #7:Follow Up with your customer.
This is a wonderful opportunity for increased contacts with your customer.
Send them a note and let them know you appreciate their business, that they shared their complaint and that this experience will enable your company to improve.
These are very practical and useful actions you can do to turn complaints into compliments.
It is very important to remember that an unresolved complaint is very costly and very damaging to your company.
Swift, effective and caring complaint resolution is a very effective strategic tool for your business.
And probably the most important thing to remember is that people, not companies, resolve complaints.
If you would like to learn more about the importance of listening to customer complaints and fostering a culture of swift, effective and caring responses to complaints so you too can turn complaints into compliments, please contact Glenn Ebersole today through his website at http://www.
com or by email at jgecoach@aol.