Home Based Business Opportunity Leads - What About Landing Pages?

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So you have searched and finally found a good home based business opportunity that meets all of your criteria.
You are designing a web site and will have several what are called "landing pages".
These landing pages are the first thing your visitors to your site will see.
What is the most common mistake people do when creating these landing pages? It is the language they use.
Do I mean bad language? Nope.
Do I mean misspelled words and sentences that are all screwed up? Nope.
I am talking about pages that are just not designed for the reader.
All too often, you will find web sites that have information on them that are a bit difficult to comprehend.
If you have designed a site for your home based business opportunity, you want whoever arrives there to enjoy the experience.
I am talking about the readability of the content on those pages.
What I am talking about is having content that does not read like an encyclopedia or dictionary.
It is instead focused on the reader that is perusing it at any given moment.
It should be in a format that is easy to understand and "speaks" directly to the person reading it.
I am positive that you have seen and experienced what I am talking about many times.
An easy way to get around this is to pretend that you are talking to someone in the same "room" with you.
How do you talk to your friends on the phone? Think about this for a second.
The way you talk normally is what you want to portray when you are writing your content.
If you are explaining something, how do you convey that to the person next to you? At first this can be somewhat difficult until you get used to it.
Writing your content in this way will give you that edge and make your web site more personalized though.
Designing your content is just as big a deal as the colors or graphic design of your web site.
If you are doing SEO (search engine optimization), your content has to be keyword rich as well which makes your writing a tad more difficult.
When it comes to landing pages though for your own home based business opportunity, it is as important as anything else in getting your prospective customers to stick around a while!
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