How to Mooch a Herring
- 1). Slide a bead onto the end of the 20-lb. test monofilament fishing line attached to the rod and reel.
- 2). Place a 2- to 8-oz. sliding egg weight or crescent weight onto the main fishing line followed by another bead.
- 3). Tie a bead chain swivel onto the end of the main fishing line with a uni knot. Moisten the knot before pulling it down tight.
- 4). Cut a 36-inch length of 20-lb. test monofilament fishing line from a filler spool to use as a leader. Use scissors to cut the leader free. Tie the leader to the end of the bead chain swivel with a uni knot.
- 5). Attach a barrel swivel to the end of the 36-inch leader with a uni knot. Cut an 18- to 20-inch length of 20-lb. test monofilament to serve as a second short leader with scissors.
- 6). Choose a hook size based on the herring bait size. Use, for example, 1/0 to 2/0 size hook for a herring that is 3 1/2 to 4 inches in length. A 5- to 6-inch herring would require a 3/0 to 4/0 size hook.
- 7). Tie the short leader length to the barrel swivel with a uni knot. Attach a 1/0 to 4/0 size hook onto the end of the short leader length with a uni knot. Slide the hook half way up the line and tie on with the uni knot. Tie a second hook onto the leader 3 to 4 inches below the first knot with another uni knot.
- 8). Rig the plug-cut herring by inserting the lower, or trailing hook, into the bait. Push the point of the hook through the short side of the bait until the entire hook is outside the herring. Plug-cut herring have one shorter side due to the 45-degree-angle cut.
- 9). Insert the point of the forward hook up through the inside top of the bait 1/2-inch from the top cut edge. Push the hook point through the herring and out the top.