Why Essential Fatty Acids Are Great For Your Diet
For some reason people seem to be scared to death when they hear the word "fat".
While it make be true that some fats are bad for the human body, there are many fats that are not only OK for the body, but actually really good for the body.
The fats that are great for your body are none other than the essential fatty acids.
The essential fatty acids have a very important function to our body and they have a complex set of functions.
, distinctions and properties.
The key here is that when dietary fats are taken in moderation, your body will more than likely reap the benefits of a long and healthy life.
In fact fat serves to protect, shape, support, as well as cushion the human body both internally and externally.
Fat also aids in the important absorption of the fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamins A, D, E, and K.
The human body's immune system is largely dependent upon fat consumption, with moderate fat intake proving more beneficial compared to a diet with strictly low-fat intake.
Also very noteworthy is the fact that the human body depends very much on the fats that our own body cannot produce.
These fats which our own body cannot produce, but which we need very much are called the essential fatty acids.
The only way that we can get these important fats is through a thoughtful diet.
Hormone-type compounds called prostaglandins are synthesized from EFAs and control a strong supply of important daily life functions.
These important functions include regulating blood pressure, nerve impulses, blood clotting, insulin sensitivity, and even hormone responses.
Essential fatty acids also transports oxygen from the lungs all the way to the cells themselves.
EFAs also increase stamina, improve the general sense of well being, quicken the healing process, make the skin and hair look much more healthy, lower cholesterol and triglycerides, and even help prevent some forms of arthritis.
Some studies would show that maybe the most important function of the essential fatty acids is to aid in the rebuilding and construction of new cells.
Without the essential fatty acids our body's do not run nearly as well as they would with the EFAs.
They're that good! When it comes to essential fatty acids there are two basic categories that you should know about.
First and foremost there are the Omega-3s, which encompass the alpha-linolenic acid (LNA) which is found in meat, fish oil, as well as a variety of super-unsaturated vegetable oils the likes of canola, flaxseed oil, and even olive oil.
The second that you should know about are the Omega-6s.
These include linoleic (LA) and Gama-linolenic which are found in raw nuts, and many seeds.
Interestingly hemp oil is a great source for both Omega-3 as well as Omega-6 essential fatty acids.
More and more often there is research being done regarding the conjugation of linoleic acid, or CLA, which is a natural derivative of linoleic acid, both of which have fat reducing and muscle building qualities.
What a great combination! These important oils are sensitive to light, oxygen, as well as heat, and therefore special care needs to be taken to ensure activity and wholeness.
While it is true that EFAs are available in our diets, they are only available in limited amounts and are often difficult to incorporate into an everyday, often times quick diet.
For this reason you can find the correct proportions of Omega-3 as well as the Omega-6 in a daily supplement.
This way it's much easier and a much more complete dosage.
You really can't go wrong with a daily essential fatty acid supplement.
For more information regarding healthy essential fatty acids, please visit Top Form EFAs.
While it make be true that some fats are bad for the human body, there are many fats that are not only OK for the body, but actually really good for the body.
The fats that are great for your body are none other than the essential fatty acids.
The essential fatty acids have a very important function to our body and they have a complex set of functions.
, distinctions and properties.
The key here is that when dietary fats are taken in moderation, your body will more than likely reap the benefits of a long and healthy life.
In fact fat serves to protect, shape, support, as well as cushion the human body both internally and externally.
Fat also aids in the important absorption of the fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamins A, D, E, and K.
The human body's immune system is largely dependent upon fat consumption, with moderate fat intake proving more beneficial compared to a diet with strictly low-fat intake.
Also very noteworthy is the fact that the human body depends very much on the fats that our own body cannot produce.
These fats which our own body cannot produce, but which we need very much are called the essential fatty acids.
The only way that we can get these important fats is through a thoughtful diet.
Hormone-type compounds called prostaglandins are synthesized from EFAs and control a strong supply of important daily life functions.
These important functions include regulating blood pressure, nerve impulses, blood clotting, insulin sensitivity, and even hormone responses.
Essential fatty acids also transports oxygen from the lungs all the way to the cells themselves.
EFAs also increase stamina, improve the general sense of well being, quicken the healing process, make the skin and hair look much more healthy, lower cholesterol and triglycerides, and even help prevent some forms of arthritis.
Some studies would show that maybe the most important function of the essential fatty acids is to aid in the rebuilding and construction of new cells.
Without the essential fatty acids our body's do not run nearly as well as they would with the EFAs.
They're that good! When it comes to essential fatty acids there are two basic categories that you should know about.
First and foremost there are the Omega-3s, which encompass the alpha-linolenic acid (LNA) which is found in meat, fish oil, as well as a variety of super-unsaturated vegetable oils the likes of canola, flaxseed oil, and even olive oil.
The second that you should know about are the Omega-6s.
These include linoleic (LA) and Gama-linolenic which are found in raw nuts, and many seeds.
Interestingly hemp oil is a great source for both Omega-3 as well as Omega-6 essential fatty acids.
More and more often there is research being done regarding the conjugation of linoleic acid, or CLA, which is a natural derivative of linoleic acid, both of which have fat reducing and muscle building qualities.
What a great combination! These important oils are sensitive to light, oxygen, as well as heat, and therefore special care needs to be taken to ensure activity and wholeness.
While it is true that EFAs are available in our diets, they are only available in limited amounts and are often difficult to incorporate into an everyday, often times quick diet.
For this reason you can find the correct proportions of Omega-3 as well as the Omega-6 in a daily supplement.
This way it's much easier and a much more complete dosage.
You really can't go wrong with a daily essential fatty acid supplement.
For more information regarding healthy essential fatty acids, please visit Top Form EFAs.