Great Anti-Aging Foods You Should Definitely Include in Your Diet
Unfortunately the modern day lifestyle makes us age more quickly and the signs begin to appear as early as the mid 20s. Factors such as stress, lack of sufficient rest and unhealthy nutrition affect each of the cells in your body negatively. This affects the internal organs as well as the looks. Still, this does not mean that the battle is lost. Thanks to years of scientific research we can now enjoy superb anti-aging foods that can really prevent us from suffering from all the negative effects of growing older.
It is best to include as many of the foods that are rich in Vitamin C as possible in your nutritional plan. Fruit such as the kiwi and lemon are great for the purpose, but you can readily include fresh parsley in your salad. In fact, this herb has the highest amount of this particular nutrient of all other foods. You are probably well familiar with Vitamin C and its medicinal qualities, but recent research has revealed that it is a powerful antioxidant as well. In this way it battles the free radicals in the body and improves its functioning on cellular level. So, you can readily slow down the aging process without experiencing any side effects.
You should also include berries in your diet. They are also rich in antioxidants plus some species such as the blueberry are known to improve vision. A glass of red wine a day can supply your body with sufficient quantities of resveratrol, which is claimed to have an almost magical anti-aging effect. Plus, it reduces the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. The coffee is also attributed similar qualities, but again it should be consumed with caution. The green tea is also a fine alternative for all those who want to enjoy the beneficial effect of the antioxidants. This drink also aids in the reduction of bad cholesterol.
Apart from the healthy fruit and drinks, you should also have other nutritional anti-aging foods. The whole grains are rich in fiber and full of vitamins and minerals. Apart from making you maintain your optimal weight, these foods allow for optimal blood sugar levels. The fatty fish containing omega-3 fatty acids help reduce your risk of heart diseases and are also known to improve your mood. You should definitely include low fat yoghurt in your diet as it improves digestion and the metabolism, plus it is good for your gums and teeth.
It is best to include as many of the foods that are rich in Vitamin C as possible in your nutritional plan. Fruit such as the kiwi and lemon are great for the purpose, but you can readily include fresh parsley in your salad. In fact, this herb has the highest amount of this particular nutrient of all other foods. You are probably well familiar with Vitamin C and its medicinal qualities, but recent research has revealed that it is a powerful antioxidant as well. In this way it battles the free radicals in the body and improves its functioning on cellular level. So, you can readily slow down the aging process without experiencing any side effects.
You should also include berries in your diet. They are also rich in antioxidants plus some species such as the blueberry are known to improve vision. A glass of red wine a day can supply your body with sufficient quantities of resveratrol, which is claimed to have an almost magical anti-aging effect. Plus, it reduces the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. The coffee is also attributed similar qualities, but again it should be consumed with caution. The green tea is also a fine alternative for all those who want to enjoy the beneficial effect of the antioxidants. This drink also aids in the reduction of bad cholesterol.
Apart from the healthy fruit and drinks, you should also have other nutritional anti-aging foods. The whole grains are rich in fiber and full of vitamins and minerals. Apart from making you maintain your optimal weight, these foods allow for optimal blood sugar levels. The fatty fish containing omega-3 fatty acids help reduce your risk of heart diseases and are also known to improve your mood. You should definitely include low fat yoghurt in your diet as it improves digestion and the metabolism, plus it is good for your gums and teeth.