Microwaves & How They Work
- Most foods contain water, so Dr. Spencer invented a form of cooking that takes advantage of water's reactivity. When you turn on a microwave, the oven begins releasing a radiation wavelength that is customized to water. When the water molecules in the food are hit with the waves, they begin moving around and bumping into each other. The friction caused by the water molecules heats the remaining food molecules, resulting in a complete cooking reaction.
- Simply put, anything that is still alive, such as pets and other animals, should never be put in a microwave oven, or you will kill it. Additionally, breast milk should never be microwaved because the wavelengths will kill the living antibody cells found in the milk. The milk may be heated and taste fine to the baby, but it will not have the usual health advantages of breast milk. Finally, fresh vegetables should never be placed in a microwave without adding water to them. This is because the existing water in their cells will leave the cells, resulting in a very rigid vegetable instead of a softly steamed edible plant.
- Microwaves are sent out by the unit's magnetron tube. A magnetron tube is a 2450 MHz producing diode-type electron tube that draws energy from your electrical outlet and converts it into the required frequencies. Magnetrons are made up of an anode (plate), filament (heater), antenna (loop) and magnets (magnetic field producers). The magnets are spun inside the magnetron and the field produced is focused into the cavity of the microwave oven.
- Microwave ovens are completely safe. The frequency that microwaves operate at is within the non-ionizing spectrum of radiation. However, the frequencies in a microwave oven do produce a thermal effect that can cause damage to living tissue if exposed for too long at a high enough frequency. Some effects on the human body that have been reported in studies include cataracts and possible links to cancer. To avoid any exposure, stand at least 1 foot away from the microwave while it is operating.
What Does a Microwave Do to Food?
What Shouldn't Be Microwaved?
What Microwave Part Sends Out the Waves?
Are Microwaves Safe?