Internet Marketing Tips - Is Your Dream Turning Into a Nightmare?

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Many people today have dreams of becoming Internet marketing heroes.
Unfortunately, for many of those people, those dreams are turning into nightmares because of lack of direction, lack of traffic and lack of income.
If you're one of the few who haven't given up yet, you might want to read this article.
I think it will push you over the fence in one direction or the other.
Okay, the problem with dreams is that many of these dreams are not based in any kind of reality.
And yes, I'll blame some of the big names for this problem.
Sales pages with hyped up claims, promising riches in no time with no work and no skills, are partially responsible for this mindset of people thinking that they can become successful at IM over night.
But a lot of the blame goes towards the people themselves.
The entitlement mentality goes way beyond IM.
Just look at the lottery lines if you think I'm kidding.
That's part of the problem.
Another part of the problem is when reality hits dream land.
A lot of folks don't realize just how MUCH work is involved in marketing online.
They think that because they don't have a brick and mortar store to go to each day that it's not a real business.
You may not have the overhead of that brick and mortar store (rent, supplies, etc.
) but it's still a business just the same.
It doesn't run by itself.
That's another part of the problem.
Then of course you have crunch time.
This is when you actually have to do the work.
It's kind of like in school.
You listen to the teacher and watch as he or she does the math problem on the board.
It looks so easy.
And then YOU go to do it and you can't.
Why? Because it always looks easy when somebody does the work for you.
But when YOU have to do it yourself, you suddenly find out that there is nobody to do the thinking for you.
No, it's NOT so easy.
However, it's easy to be disillusioned by it all once you realize what's involved.
Maybe you're at that stage.
Maybe you're beyond it and just can't wake up from your coma to realize that this may not be for you.
That's right...
this may not be for you.
Not everybody is cut out to be an Internet marketer.
They're too wrapped up in the dream part and not connected enough to reality.
And reality is a lot of hard work.
So, if you're still dreaming and haven't yet decided if this is a dream you REALLY want to go after, maybe this article has pushed you over the edge and has enabled you to make a decision.
For the sake of your dreams, I hope so.
To YOUR Success, Steven Wagenheim
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