Ideas for Catching Catfish
- A throw line is an inexpensive fishing method for catfish that are in shallow water. It features a length of heavy fishing line or braided cord wrapped around a small block of wood or spool. A large hook attached to the end of the line sinks via the weight of the bait or a sinker attached 12 to 18 inches above the hook. This method is ideal from the shoreline, pier or a shallow water boat.
- Catfish make homes in the muddy banks of rivers, streams, ponds and lakes by burrowing small round holes into the bank. Noodling is a fishing method where you reach around the banks until you find a hole and wiggle your fingers around hoping the fish grabs hold. The angler then grabs the catfish by the mouth and pulls it out of its home. This method requires patience but is rewarded with an exciting catch.
- Using a traditional fishing pole offers the chance to target catfish in any water landscape. Rig the pole with appropriate line for the size of catfish you are targeting and attach an size 0 or 1 fishing hook to the end. Deep water catfish such as those in lakes and large rivers need an additional weight to reach the bottom and to hold within strong current. Common fishing bait includes dough balls and stink baits that include a mixture of dough and meat. Catfish in some rivers become extremely large and require a heavy duty rod and reel.
- Trot lines offer a way to utilize a series of hook setups on one line. A main line of metal wire or heavy cord, stretched across a fishing area, is kept afloat by buoys or empty jugs. Small drop lines attached along the length each offer an opportunity for a fish. The trot line is checked periodically and fish are removed as necessary. Check with the local authorities in the state you are fishing as select states have a requirement on how many hooks you can fish with.
Throw Line
Conventional Pole
Trot Line