America - An Affluent But Severely Malnourished Country (Part 1)
America is the richest nation on earth and also one of the most malnourished.
This is typical of most well developed countries.
The reason is that with more financial freedom comes a diet that consists of predominantly refined and processed foods, animal fats, and a considerable amount of fast food.
The result is a nation teeming with obese and malnourished citizens.
It seems a dichotomy to be obese and yet malnourished but this is certainly the case with a large segment of our society.
Statistics on American health continue to be more and more shocking.
Many estimate that our nation's health care bill will be as high as 4 trillion dollars by the year 2015.
That means that about one out of every five dollars will be spent on health care.
The epidemic of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, and a host of other maladies are rooted in the lack of proper nutrition in this country.
Degenerative diseases and obesity are the natural consequences of a nation obsessed with refined and processed foods, animal fats, animal by products, and a sedentary lifestyle.
The amazing human body has a built in mechanism to cope with this malnourishment.
It actually creates an urge to eat and so we begin to feel hungry all of the time.
Our very cells are literally being starved and they are desperate for the nutrients they need to function.
Of course our response to this urge to consume more food is to eat more of the processed kind.
This adds calories, but unfortunately they are empty calories completely void of necessary nutrients and so we become even more malnourished while still gaining an unhealthy amount of weight.
Countless Americans are on this very treadmill in which this chronic malnutrition leads to an increased dependency on processed food, greater cravings and compulsive eating.
There is however, a simple solution to this chronic malnutrition and it is a solution that anyone can easily accomplish.
No matter how malnourished you have become you can quickly restore your body to an optimum nutrition level and start seeing very noticeable health benefits immediately.
You will actually see these positive changes in the mirror within the first week.
Everything you need to accomplish your healing is probably in your kitchen.
All you will need to begin is a decent blender, some fruit, and some fresh, preferably organic greens.
Why not start taking charge of your health today?
This is typical of most well developed countries.
The reason is that with more financial freedom comes a diet that consists of predominantly refined and processed foods, animal fats, and a considerable amount of fast food.
The result is a nation teeming with obese and malnourished citizens.
It seems a dichotomy to be obese and yet malnourished but this is certainly the case with a large segment of our society.
Statistics on American health continue to be more and more shocking.
Many estimate that our nation's health care bill will be as high as 4 trillion dollars by the year 2015.
That means that about one out of every five dollars will be spent on health care.
The epidemic of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, and a host of other maladies are rooted in the lack of proper nutrition in this country.
Degenerative diseases and obesity are the natural consequences of a nation obsessed with refined and processed foods, animal fats, animal by products, and a sedentary lifestyle.
The amazing human body has a built in mechanism to cope with this malnourishment.
It actually creates an urge to eat and so we begin to feel hungry all of the time.
Our very cells are literally being starved and they are desperate for the nutrients they need to function.
Of course our response to this urge to consume more food is to eat more of the processed kind.
This adds calories, but unfortunately they are empty calories completely void of necessary nutrients and so we become even more malnourished while still gaining an unhealthy amount of weight.
Countless Americans are on this very treadmill in which this chronic malnutrition leads to an increased dependency on processed food, greater cravings and compulsive eating.
There is however, a simple solution to this chronic malnutrition and it is a solution that anyone can easily accomplish.
No matter how malnourished you have become you can quickly restore your body to an optimum nutrition level and start seeing very noticeable health benefits immediately.
You will actually see these positive changes in the mirror within the first week.
Everything you need to accomplish your healing is probably in your kitchen.
All you will need to begin is a decent blender, some fruit, and some fresh, preferably organic greens.
Why not start taking charge of your health today?