What"s So Great About Shakeology?
Shakeology is a meal replacement drink that offers a plethora of benefits, ranging from improved body tone to healthier cardiac muscles. Its many benefits include reduced total cholesterol, reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases, less toxins in the body and improved digestion. Two of my favorite benefits of the meal replacement are: higher energy levels and drumroll.....increased weight loss.
With all the stressors in life, we find ourselves too fatigued to work out which leads to increased weight gain and poor digestion. It seems like everybody you know now is on some type of medicine for heartburn or high cholesterol. So how do we get ourselves off of these medications and avoid all the unhealthy side effects? Hair loss being one of them. I don't know about you, but I'd like to keep the hair on my head.
The alternative to medication, the answer to weight loss, the aid in daily fruit and vegetable content and the answer to combat fatigue is Shakeology. Composed of whole-food ingredients, this meal replacement shake delivers a hefty dose of amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. Thus, your body's nutritional needs are fulfilled and cravings for high-fat or high-calorie foods are diminished. The fewer cravings you have, the less likely you are to indulge in foods that can lead to weight gain. Plus, Shakeology contains a balance of protein and amino acids specially designed to build and repair muscles. This promotes muscle growth, and the more muscle on your body, the faster it burns calories.
Shakeology can also improve your mood. (I can hear the men out there now saying, "well get my wife some now") lol. We're only crabby because you men make us that way! oh wait, I digress:) It also includes a balance of natural foods that regulate blood sugar. Stable blood sugar levels mean fewer mood swings. Additionally, the vital nutrients in Shakeology help your body produce healthy hair, strong nails, and clear, smooth skin, and, as everyone knows, when you look good, you feel good too.
So, what ingredients make Shakeology both effective and unique? Well, with more than seventy ingredients, the product is packed with some of the most promising super-foods on the planet. For example, it contains both acai and goji berries, the two fruits highest in antioxidants which combat free radicals. Free radicals are a major culprit in a variety of diseases associated with cell deterioration and premature aging. Antioxidants also reduce inflammation, which is extremely important if you participate in regular physical activity.
Shakeology is also loaded with whey protein isolate. A common feature of meal replacement shakes, this supplement is one of the easiest sources of protein for your body to absorb. Whey is also a complete protein, meaning it contains essential amino acids. Thus, this ingredient is the optimal protein choice for muscle healing and growth.
All in all, Shakeology contains twenty-three vitamins and minerals in an easily absorbable formula. This one meal replacement shake can make up for other dietary deficiencies and ensure your body gets exactly what it needs each and every day. What you won't find in Shakeology, unlike other meal replacement shakes, is a bunch of refined sugars or artificial sweeteners. This means your shake won't be loaded with empty calories or cause your energy levels to "crash" later in the day. Shakeology also has no caffeine and is gluten-free, making it an ideal choice for those with dietary restrictions.
Having said all of that, these health benefits would be useless if Shakeology didn't taste good enough to drink. However, the makers of this product have truly perfected its flavor. The meal replacement shake comes in two varieties: chocolate and greenberry. Both have the same great nutritional benefits, but each one's unique taste has a distinct appeal. I assure you it doesn't taste like a card board box and it's not gritty like most other shakes. Shakeology is great for the whole family, and I highly reccommend it for children who are finiky eaters. It's not just a breakfast shake, it can be enjoyed any time of the day.
With all the stressors in life, we find ourselves too fatigued to work out which leads to increased weight gain and poor digestion. It seems like everybody you know now is on some type of medicine for heartburn or high cholesterol. So how do we get ourselves off of these medications and avoid all the unhealthy side effects? Hair loss being one of them. I don't know about you, but I'd like to keep the hair on my head.
The alternative to medication, the answer to weight loss, the aid in daily fruit and vegetable content and the answer to combat fatigue is Shakeology. Composed of whole-food ingredients, this meal replacement shake delivers a hefty dose of amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. Thus, your body's nutritional needs are fulfilled and cravings for high-fat or high-calorie foods are diminished. The fewer cravings you have, the less likely you are to indulge in foods that can lead to weight gain. Plus, Shakeology contains a balance of protein and amino acids specially designed to build and repair muscles. This promotes muscle growth, and the more muscle on your body, the faster it burns calories.
Shakeology can also improve your mood. (I can hear the men out there now saying, "well get my wife some now") lol. We're only crabby because you men make us that way! oh wait, I digress:) It also includes a balance of natural foods that regulate blood sugar. Stable blood sugar levels mean fewer mood swings. Additionally, the vital nutrients in Shakeology help your body produce healthy hair, strong nails, and clear, smooth skin, and, as everyone knows, when you look good, you feel good too.
So, what ingredients make Shakeology both effective and unique? Well, with more than seventy ingredients, the product is packed with some of the most promising super-foods on the planet. For example, it contains both acai and goji berries, the two fruits highest in antioxidants which combat free radicals. Free radicals are a major culprit in a variety of diseases associated with cell deterioration and premature aging. Antioxidants also reduce inflammation, which is extremely important if you participate in regular physical activity.
Shakeology is also loaded with whey protein isolate. A common feature of meal replacement shakes, this supplement is one of the easiest sources of protein for your body to absorb. Whey is also a complete protein, meaning it contains essential amino acids. Thus, this ingredient is the optimal protein choice for muscle healing and growth.
All in all, Shakeology contains twenty-three vitamins and minerals in an easily absorbable formula. This one meal replacement shake can make up for other dietary deficiencies and ensure your body gets exactly what it needs each and every day. What you won't find in Shakeology, unlike other meal replacement shakes, is a bunch of refined sugars or artificial sweeteners. This means your shake won't be loaded with empty calories or cause your energy levels to "crash" later in the day. Shakeology also has no caffeine and is gluten-free, making it an ideal choice for those with dietary restrictions.
Having said all of that, these health benefits would be useless if Shakeology didn't taste good enough to drink. However, the makers of this product have truly perfected its flavor. The meal replacement shake comes in two varieties: chocolate and greenberry. Both have the same great nutritional benefits, but each one's unique taste has a distinct appeal. I assure you it doesn't taste like a card board box and it's not gritty like most other shakes. Shakeology is great for the whole family, and I highly reccommend it for children who are finiky eaters. It's not just a breakfast shake, it can be enjoyed any time of the day.