Dietary Sources of Omega 3 for a Healthy Body
Omega 3 also helps in stopping the clotting of the blood which prevents the formation of lumps in our veins and blood vessels protecting us from the growth of cancer cells and from the chance of heart attack. As there are so many benefits of consuming Omega 3 and due to the fact that our body does not produce it naturally, we should continuously focus on the dietary sources of omega 3 to fulfill our body's needs.
The Types of Food Rich in Omega 3s:
Fish and fish products: Fish is abundant in both EPA and DHA, two kinds of omega 3s, which are important for the function of our brain, heart, muscles and bones. DHA helps to improve our concentration span and reduces the probability of Alzheimer and memory loss in old people.
Moreover, DHA also helps to fight against various cancers such as cancer of the ovaries, breast cancer and cancer of the small intestines. EPA, on the other hand, is reported to have magical effects on our emotional state.
It not only helps fight depression but additionally any suicidal tendency in people and can serve as a relaxing agent for an individual's mental state. Fish is also very healthy for the health of our retina and skin. It naturally makes our skin strong and supple and helps in the prevention of hair loss.
Other food products that are rich in Omega 3 fats are nuts such as cashew nuts, peanuts, almonds and walnuts. These foods are very healthy for our brain and eyesight. Peanut butter is also a good food rich with monounsaturated fats, that is, the good fats required by our body.
Spinach and broccoli are also believed to be rich in good fats and have been proven to be effective dietary sources of omega 3. In addition, meals cooked in canola oil, sunflower oil, corn oil and olive oil are also considered to be rich with good fats.
Furthermore, kidney beans are one of the easily available dietary sources of omega 3 and should be included in everyday meals such as salads and gravy.
All in all, polyunsaturated fats are indispensable for our health. It is advised to try and take them at least once everyday by including the above mentioned dietary sources of omega 3 [] in your daily meals.
Convenient Alternative
However, some people cannot afford or would not wish to eat fish or expensive nuts on a regular basis. For convenience, such people can always use a fish oil supplement to fulfill the level of good fats required by their body.
Such supplements are commonly available in the market however, while buying such products, quality should be kept in mind as such products may contain toxins if they are not from a reliable source.
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