How to Fish in Hawaii
- 1). Book a charter. Look online for charter fishing opportunities; below, you can find some companies in the Resources section. Charter boats allow for private-party deep-sea fishing. Check reviews before going out with any charter boat. Remember that deep-sea fishing has no guarantees, and that refunds are rarely given. Check and see what time options are available. The two most common options are half day (four hour) and full day (eight hour) fishing expeditions. The more time, the more likely that catching fish occurs.
- 2). Try a share boat. For those with less money, charter boats are available for rent for a single party. Others can take advantage of several small parties and split the cost between the groups. Of course, this means that strangers end up on the boat together, and odds are everybody won't get along. But, if toleration of others is something doable, it's an economical option for deep-sea fishing.
- 3). Go freshwater fishing. Hawaii's freshwater fishing often goes unnoticed, mainly because of the abundant saltwater fishing available. The only places fisherman need a license to fish are Oahu's Lake Wilson and Nuuanu Reservoir. There are a few charters available for freshwater fishing, although not as many as saltwater fishing.
- 4). Try bottom fishing. Bottom fishing is great for kids or for those who have to catch something. The fish caught are not as big as those on a sport fishing boat, but there's plenty of fish caught. Bottom fishing is a commercial style of fishing, where electric-motored nets pull in fish. It is a form of deep-water fishing. The boats that offer bottom fishing allow private charters or group outings.
- 5). Think dry. If getting on a boat doesn't sound fun, but saltwater fishing does, fish from shore. The Pacific Threadfin is abundant off of Hawaii's shores. Local fishing specialty stores assist in proper equipment for whatever shore fishing is chosen, whether it's wading or casting from a dock. Some fishermen even fish with nets for smaller fish, which is a fun option for kids.