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Body building : Health & Medical

Body Weight Calisthenics - What You Don't Know

Many people think body weight calisthenics are to basic or beginner to get great results.What they don't know id body weight exercises are one of the best ways to build a high performance, attractive body.

The Truth to Natural Muscle Growth

How much money do you spend on bodybuilding supplements?Two, three hundred dollars or more a month?These super hyped supplements are being used by millions of people worldwide with the only results being a fat pocket for the company's producing the products.

What to Look For in a Muscle Building Program

Are you looking for a muscle building program? If so, you must be wondering where to start. You can spend days, if not weeks, looking for the perfect so called "workout program."

How Quick Can You Make Muscle Gains

Looking to build muscle quickly. Discover what you can do to gain the most amount of muscle mass in the shortest amount of time.

Training Basics - What is the Fastest Way to Gain Muscle?

If you want to know the fastest way to gain muscle then it is simple, it revolves around training more but being careful not to over train. You want to cause serious muscle fatigue with plenty of reps, but not to the extent that the body finds it difficult to recover.

Burn Fat Build Muscle Mass With the Action Star Muscle Building Workout

The best action stars are dedicated to fitness. These superstars begin building muscle right away through progressive strength training or bodybuilding for action films. They are given six to twelve weeks to get in the best shape of their lives to look great for the camera.

Muscle Truth

Ever wonder what the real muscle truth is? You've heard so many stories about what it takes to build muscle and the right way to go about achieving this goal but how do you know what the real muscle truth is? That can seem like one of the most difficult questions to answer in some cases.

Best Way to Build Chest Muscle Fast

Almost everyone desires to have a well sculpted and warrior like chest. But then, big chests are like prized trophies after a very intense and a great deal of hard work and patience and not all have enough patience to wait for the best and well anticipated results. This is why various weight trainin

20-Rep Squats - Form and Foot Placement

Recently I've written a couple of pieces on the 20-rep squat, a sort of introductory piece and a more advanced piece about the pure psychology of getting through the horror of a heavy set. Although I wrote that I wasn't going to get into correct form, it's been niggling me that if I h

Top 3 Most Effective Exercises for a Flat Stomach (or 6-Pack Abs)

Most men list "a flat stomach" as one of their desires. Those of us who exercise and lift weights are probably in pursuit of this goal as well. Although it is true that nutrition plays the biggest role in determining the look of your abdominal section, but the exercises listed below could

How to Burn Fat and Retain Muscle Mass at the Same Time

If you are an over-weight person and trying to reduce those extra pounds that have mounted on the top of your muscles, then it is more likely that your body will also lose some muscle mass along with fat. It is important to keep in your mind that your body needs to retain the muscle mass as your mus

The 300 Physique - Build 10 Pounds Of Muscle Whereas You Lose Fat

Gladiators in the film The 300 had powerful well muscled physiques and chiseled abs. This isn't something these actors were born with and in fact a good amount of all of them had average bodies that wouldn't impress anyone in a crowd. The incredible transformation that was achieved with th

The Ultimate 6 Pack Abs How-To!

If you are searching for information on exercising, you will be plagued with information on how to get a 6 pack of abs. I think we all want to know how to get 6 pack when summer time rolls around. Unfortunately it's not as simple as taking a supplement, but it's not as hard as a Spartan wo

Building-Up Muscles in Your Body

So, you wanted know how to get muscles and a toned body in an easy way! Well, you will find that the tips presented here are of extreme usefulness for you. There is no denying to the fact that a professional trainer can be of an immense help in training you in this regard.

Top 14 Partner Bodyweight Exercises For Combat Athletes

For combat athletes, getting "strong" is not just a matter of increasing their squat, deadlift, or any other weightroom number. While barbell and dumbbell training is often necessary for building a great base, fighters and grapplers need a different kind of strength - the kind that doesn&a