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Sleep Disorders : Health & Medical

Unique tips and ideas for falling asleep

Millions of people around the world are suffering from insomnia and, just like you, they are looking for great tips to fall asleep. If you would like some tips to fall asleep and actually get a good n

Sleep Apnea Exercises Can Help

General fitness and specific tongue and throat sleep apnea exercises have proven effective at reducing and even eliminating sleep apnea symptoms.

Nightmares in Adults

Nightmares aren't just for children. Find out from WebMD what causes adults to have bad dreams, which can lead to sleep deprivation, physical illness, and psychological stress.

Sleep Apnea Introduction - What Is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a constant medical condition where the affected person repeatedly stops breathing during sleep. These episodes last 10 seconds or more and cause oxygen levels in the blood to drop. It can be caused by obstruction of the upper airway, resulting in obstructive sleep apnea, or by a failu

Sleep Apnea History

Sleep apnea is a disorder defined as a pause of breathing while asleep. There are three types of sleep apnea. Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is the most common.

Healthy Sleep

Freshness, energy and vitality are three things from many things that we need to begin a day. Those three things are determined by many factors, one of them is having a good sleep.

Get Rid of Tiredness and Sleep Less

You know how good it feels to get a good night's sleep. When you rise from your bed, feeling like you have a ton of energy, and that you can take anything on, you will know how good sleep is for you. However, what about those other mornings? There are definitely mornings where you need to drag

Sleep Apnea Devices

The oral appliance and the CPAP machine are two of the most common sleep apnea devices. They are also two of the most effective devices.

Using a CPAP Pillow to Reduce the Occurrence of Sleep Apnea

Suffering from sleep apnea is like having a nightmare, but it has worse consequences. This can disturb your sleep, and you would likely end up in a daze during the whole day. There is something that can help alleviate this disorder, and it involves Continuous Positive Airflow Pressure.

Foods That Harm Your Sleeping Pattern

What if you knew which foods had an immense effect on how well you sleep during the night? Would you want to know which foods improved your sleep and which foods placed a strain on your rest? If you are like millions of other people, the knowledge of these foods would be extremely beneficial to you.

How To Cure Insomnia Naturally

Insomnia is a condition that affects many people the world over.An inability to sleep can lead to disturbed bodily functions.Conventionally insomnia has been managed by sedatives which are not without side effects.Insomnia can be managed without sedatives easily.