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Trees & Houseplants : Home & Garden
How to Grow a Copper Canyon Daisy
Tagetes lemmonii, also known as copper canyon daisy, is a flowering bush that blooms in the fall and again in the early spring. Left unchecked, a copper canyon daisy bush can grow to 6 feet tall and spread more than 4 feet wide. Copper canyon daisies are heat-loving and drought-tolerant flowers that
About Vertical Farming
Our planet is growing short on farm land, water and ways to manage crops assaulted by disease and fickle weather changes. One way to answer the question of how we will manage our food production in the future is to alter the way we think about the traditional farm and create new ways to meet food de
How to Transplant American Holly Trees
The American holly is an evergreen tree that grows about 40 feet high at full maturity and about 20 feet wide in a pyramidal shape with the classic holly-shaped leaves. It is one of about 400 species of holly and has a dull green leaf instead of the bright shiny leaves of other varieties. The roots
How Much Will One Acre of Tomato Plants Yield?
Tomatoes are the No. 1 processing vegetable crop in the United States, with more than 400,000 acres in cultivation supplying more than 14 million tons of the juicy red fruit. More than 12 million tons of the tomato harvest goes into prepared food products such as soup, catsup and salsa. Almost 2 mil
How to Maintain Evergreens
There are many different types of evergreens, both trees and shrubs, all of which have foliage that remains green throughout the year. Evergreens can be categorized into two types: narrow-leaf (needled), including pines, junipers, and yews; and broadleaf, which includes hollies and rhododendrons. Pr
How to Transplant an Italian Cypress
If you have an Italian cypress--scientifically known as Cupressus sempervirens-- you probably prize it for its slender, distinctive shape and finely textured needles. This stately evergreen tree can reach a height of 50 feet and is often used as a border planting or accent tree. Whether you are tran
How To Check Moisture Levels in Outdoor Plants
Checking the moisture levels of your outdoor plants is imperative to their well-being and ensures that plants live longer, healthier lives. When plants are not receiving the right amount of water required for normal functioning, they become stressed. Pests locate stressed plants and will often choos
How to Control a Wisteria Vine
While there are several different types of Wisteria, all are known for producing beautiful flowers in the spring time or early summer. A wisteria vine can also add a pleasant fragrance to your garden. Wisteria vines should be looked after regularly to prevent the vines from wrapping themselves aroun
New Zealand's Tropical Flowers
New Zealand flaxAnna Yu/Photodisc/Getty ImagesNew Zealand is not a tropical paradise, as some might imagine, but instead has diverse landscapes and varying climates ranging from the sub-tropical north to the cooler alpine areas. With this range in climate zones comes an equally diverse...
How to Keep Candles Burning Longer
Candles provide ambience and scent to gatherings, meals or even just your everyday life, but it can be frustrating when you feel that your candles are not burning long enough. Care for your candles before, during and after burning to ensure that you receive the maximum burn time for your particular
Natural Pesticides for Fungus Gnats
Fungus gnats are flying insects that damage plants. These small insects look like mosquitoes and lay eggs in potting soil or plant debris. When the eggs hatch, the larvae feed on the roots, stunting plant growth. Because both adult gnats and larvae spread disease, control methods -- such as using na
Signs & Symptoms of Freeze Injury on Trees
Winter and late spring freezes can damage and even kill both conifer and broadleaved trees. Although the signs and symptoms of frost damage differ depending on the season and type of tree involved, exposure to freezing temperatures causes blackened leaves, frost lesions such as cankers, as well as b
How to Grow Jersey Knight Asparagus
Few garden crops provide as much value as asparagus, which grows for 20 years or more, producing up to 1 lb. of asparagus per plant, per year. Jersey Knight asparagus was developed by Rutgers University. This all-male variety produces up to three times as much asparagus as older, open-pollinated mal
What Is Causing My Lilies to Wilt & Die?
Lilies are a species of flowering plant that belongs to the genus Lilium. The majority of lily varieties feature 6- to 8-inch scented ornamental blooms; some cultivars, such as Asiatic hybrids, have smaller flowers, about 3 to 4 inches in size, that aren't fragrant. Depending on the variety, lilies
How to Reduce the Size of a Weeping Cherry Tree
Fruit trees produce a wide range of growth in home gardens, with soft spring blooms and bright foliage. Fruitless relatives like the weeping cherry bear the same lush growth and bright flowers without the fruit. Weeping cherries become quite large with time, growing up to 40 feet tall in some cultiv
How to Plant a Rowan Tree
The rowan tree (Sorbus aucuparia), also known as a European Mountain Ash, is a fast-growing tree that reaches heights of 30 feet with an equal canopy spread at maturity. Healthy specimens produce oblong green leaves that turn to red in autumn, when planted in USDA hardiness zones 3b through 6. Showy
How to Force Narcissus Bulbs
According to Greek mythology, the handsome Narcissus fell in love with his own reflection in a pool of water. During the typically cold and dreary months of February and March, you'll fall in love with the handsome blooms of forced narcissus bulbs. This cheerful spot of color will brighten a kitchen
Black & Grey Mold or Fungus on the Yard
Black and gray mold growing on the surface of your grass blades indicates typhula blight or gray snow mold. Close examination may reveal a gray fungal growth dotted with fruiting bodies of fungal spores or sclerotia. Noticing early signs of typhula blight helps you provide treatment and prevention m
How to Spray Slugs With Soapy Water to Kill Them
Kill pesky slugs with soapy water by simply spraying them. Slugs feast on plants and vegetables during the day and evening hours; however, finding a slug during the day is quite difficult. W.S. Cranshaw from Colorado State University Extension describes slugs as difficult and destructive pests that