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Politics : Law & Legal & Attorney

How to Make an Inflatable Suit

An inflatable suit can make you the life of the party, the ultimate prankster, or a hip-hop mogul-in-waiting. Why settle for suits that don't inflate, when you can easily craft one in your own home with only minor supplies and effort? If you are looking to wow your friends with an outfit that is bot

Proxy Voting Shareholder Rights

When you invest in a corporation, the shares you hold provide you with certain shareholder rights. One of these is the right to vote in corporate elections and on other important matters. If you cannot attend the meetings in which these votes are cast, you can vote by proxy, which allows you to vote

Surinaamse Verkiezingen Surinaams Nieuws, en Politieke Aangelegenheden

Rules of Debate

French moralist and essayist Joseph Joubert once said, "It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it." He was not alone in thinking this. For centuries debate has been an accepted, and often encouraged, form of communication and discussion.

South Africa Women's Rights

In 1994, newly elected president of South Africa, Nelson Mandela, claimed that "freedom cannot be achieved unless the women have been emancipated from all forms of oppression." The country of South Africa has taken Mandela's call to heart. South Africa offers women, at least on paper, one of the mos

And You Thought Just The Federal Government Was In Dire Financial Shape

This article examines how dire the financial condition of many state governments have become in addition to reviewing how dire the Federal government's financial situation is. The article reviews possible reasons for this pending financial disaster and shows how it severely restricts state gove

On President Bush's Terrorist Surveillance Program

Does President break the law on terrorist surveillance program? The proof of an argument is in terms of (1) Logical implication, (2)Semantic clarification, (3) Pragmatic consideration, (4) Americans' perception.

Wisconsin: ID Cards Needed To Vote

Lawmakers in Wisconsin are introducing a new bill hoping to cut down on voter fraud. In their opinion, voters should be required to show a photo identification, such as their driver's license, on the election day. Thus, it will be easy to tell if they have already voted or if they are using som

Why Are We Worried About the Islamic State? Did I Miss Something?

Why are we worried about the 'Islamic State'? They are a weed without roots! They are not a country with an ongoing flow of resources. They have no industry behind them, no government, no international trade agreements, and hence no future! They are a weed without roots. When the external

Definition of the Age Discrimination Act

Age discrimination is the act of treating persons differently due to their age or appearance of aging. This includes denial of employment, housing or entry into an establishment. Older Americans have fought for their rights as equal citizens in court cases and protests. Age discrimination can also e

Obama The Socialist Communist Marxist Fascist Nazi

Now, tyrannical President Obama communist seeks to divide Americans by blasting business in every speech he makes for having corporate jets.How many jobs are to be lost when airplanes stop being built and used?This guy does not understand a thing about job creation.

Post Office Rules for Postcards

The United States Postal Service (USPS) has guidelines for all types of mail, including postcards. A postcard is a small card that does not bend, fold or have an envelope. Americans have sent postcards since 1873, when the idea came to America from Europe. In the late nineteenth century, a private m

Inside the Situation Room on 9-11 (Part 3 of 3)

In late 2000 I joined the staff of the National Security Council.On 9/11, I was in the Situation Room.Here is an insider's account of what happened, and how the response changed my future.

Health Care Wrong Battle For Obama

Health Care Reform has almost choked progress by the Obama administration in an area which could have quicker, larger and more agreed-upon impact: Energy reform. Why are we wasting our time with a problem that will take years to solve, when we could be driving 250 mile per gallon cars and benefiting

Why Voting Is A Waste Of Time In America

Voting is a social trick and it works like this. For the privilege of voting you agree that you will support the leadership of the government, even when it was not who you voted for. Now, in modern political events in the United States, the powers that be put up lousy candidates and we are to pick t