Why Are Fruit Juices & Smoothies So Popular? Part 1

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Nutrition : Health & Medical

Raw Food Diet on the Road - How to Stay Raw and Healthy While Traveling

Whether you are traveling for work or leisure-planning and preparation is key! You've discovered that the raw food diet and lifestyle definitely allows you to feel your best.Now you need to maintain that level of energy as best you can while enjoying life in another city.

The Best Omega 3 Sources for Fat Loss

What are the best Omega-3 sources for fat loss? Omega-3 fatty acids can naturally boost your metabolism and will help to kick-start your weight loss efforts. Whether you're struggling with fat loss or just wanting to improve your health these Omega-3 sources should be included in your daily die

Top 10 Superfoods That You Should Know About

Indeed, there are several types of live superfoods ranging from berries to seaweeds. However, there are 10 that you should not only be aware of but that you should definitely consider adding to your e

Helpful Tips For Those Dealing With Painful Hemorrhoids

If the Internet has been your research tool of choice regarding hemorrhoids, look no further. Because of the uncomfortable nature of hemorrhoids, you will want some good information! With the tips in this article, you ...

High Fructose Corn Syrup - Big Business and the Little Man

Recent adverts put out by the Corn Refiners Association have brought into sharp relief the lengths to which industry lobbies will go to promote their interests, even at the expense of public health. We, the consumer - the little man - have more power than we realise and can use emerging technologies

The Healing Power Of Young Coconuts

A few years back, when I was just learning about raw food nutrition, I went to a raw food festival in Oregon. It was in a beautiful outdoor setting, next to a lake, and very ...

How Can You Lose Weight The Healthy Way?

Looking to lose weight the healthy way? Here are some of the main concepts you should be embracing if you want to lose weight and keep it off!

The Importance of Color in Our Meals

Adding a bit of red or a dash of green to your plate isn't just about culinary aesthetics or making a dish look good. It's about making your body feel good as well. As a rule of thumb, fruits and vegetables provide its consumer with a wide range of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fib

The Importance of Fruits and Vegetables That You Cannot Afford to Ignore

When the scientists began to study the plant foods, it was discovered that the plant foods contained a wide variety of protective compounds called phytochemicals, many of which were antioxidants. There are hundreds of phytochemicals, many offering unique benefits. For example, cruciferous vegetables

Diet Plans For Busy Mothers

A busy mom told me what her typical day was like. She felt that her diet was out of control and she couldn't figure out why... Keep reading to see if your diet is similar and what is the 1 thing that you can do about it to get started.

Nickel - An Essential Nutrient For Red Blood Cell Health

Nickel is a relatively new micromineral. Its exact role in the body is unclear but the available research suggests that it helps the body absorb iron, produce red blood cells and much more. In this article I will be discussing this nutrient in greater detail.

How Can I Make the Most of My Office Water Cooler?

Purchasing or renting a water cooler from a reputable company is not hard work. They will discuss with you the various packages that you can go for which may include some of the following; free installation, a certain number of water bottles (if you choose the bottled water cooler) with free deliver

Low Carb Diet Nutrition

One of the easiest and most effective ways to lose weight is to go on a low carbohydrate diet. A low carbohydrate diet is a diet plan that limits the amount of carbohydrates you can consume, usually t

Pilgrims eat Haram's pigeon feed for cure

There has been a growing tendency among pilgrims who lack correct knowledge of Islamic faith to do things against the creed out of belief that this would cure them of diseases or bring blessings.

Berry Your Memory Lapses

Blueberries have lots of health benefits. Eating a few a day can do surprising things for you.

It's Time To Focus on Nutrition and Not Just Weight Loss

This article is in reference to those who tend to just focus on weight loss. A lot of times we get caught up in our appearance and do not focus on us as a whole. If we focus on making sure we take good care of our bodies then weight loss can be accomplished as well.