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Self-Improvement : Health & Medical

Hot, Dry and Donkeyless

I remember first hearing Dr. James Kennedy when he coined the phrase, "hot, dry and donkeyless." He was making a reference to the book of Samuel, which relates the story of Saul, Israel's first king.

Pick And Choose Your Battles Wisely

Do you know when to walk away from a battle of words? Not many do, I will give you some friendly advice on how to avoid fights and arguments.

What Is a Spiritual Journey and Its Stages?

Many people have asked me a deceptively simple question over the years, "What is a spiritual journey?" For most people a spiritual journey begins when we finally not only realize, but become willing to admit to ourselves that we are not happy. This is the first step and it is a huge one.

Find Your Goal

Many different ideas cross our minds throughout the day. We don't remember most of them - they get forgotten just in a matter of seconds. Yet they can provide insights on helping you to find your goal.

The Ten Percent Myth

For decades motivational experts and Gurus have been heard saying "We only use 10% of our brain and brain potential on a regular basis." Well, having studied brain function for over thirty years and reviewing recent articles and statistics by a variety of well respected brain experts this

4 Spiritually Transformative Experiences That Can Change Your Life Forever

What is a spiritually transformative experience? Are they real events, or just wishful thinking and new age nonsense? And why are so many people PERMANENTLY transformed from having these sorts of exceptional experiences in the first place? In this article we are going to take a quick and easy look a

How to Become Successful and Live Your Dream

It has been said that desire is the starting point of all achievement, and I tend to agree. If you want to accomplish something, it can't just be a hope, a dream, or a wish. It must be a burning desire that can often be described as an uncontrollable obsession. It must be a thought that transce

Computer Games Addiction

Perhaps you know of somebody who plays computer games all the time. Perhaps it is your child or somebody in your family. Perhaps their work, social life and personal relationships are suffering because of the constant desire to be playing computer games. If this is so, then this person may be suffer

What Is Marriage Records Ssearch

Free marriage records are vital documents that contain the full names of the people involved in the wedding ceremony, name of the event, state or town of the event and also the date the event took place. Other important information may be recorded such as the birth places of the bride and the brideg

A Bit Of Inspiration From The Bible

In Mark chapter 5 Jesus was going to go to a city to pray for a young girl who was terminally ill, right before his venture was about to begin he got news that the ...

The Blessing Of God Of The Kingdom Will Make You Rich

Notice above in the scripture, Proverbs 10:22, it doesn't tell us a good job or a good economy makes a person rich, it doesn't tell us a degree from an exclusive university can make us rich, nor does it tell us even a resume full of worldly credentials makes a person rich.No, the Bible tel

The Power of Language Sounds

The words you speak and hear convey more than just their agreed-upon definition. The language of ancient Sumarian and Hebrew utilized secret knowledge about their words in order to more deeply and completely convey their messages. In this article, discover what they knew and how you can use this wis

Where the Desire for More Money Might Not Serve Us

How much money you have, whether you have enough money, whether you are secure, whether you have "financial freedom" are all questions that buzz around so many people's minds. "It's what money can get me," people say.


Have you lost the fire in your life?Inspiration is at hand.You have all the courage you need you just need to learn to access it! Find out more in this article.