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Self-Improvement : Health & Medical

Are You The Lion, The Lamb, or Both in Life?

Are you the lion, the lamb,or both in Life? In a chance encounter years ago at an intimate wedding of an acquaintance I was seated beside a woman who counseled individuals who had forsaken their vows as priests and nuns.

Acquiring Sponsors

Certain establishments and offices at times require sponsors for their different activities. They may organize a sports fest or perhaps a charity drive to help less fortunate people. In order to gather sponsors for the ...

How Inspirational Speakers And Authors Help Inspire Us All

Inspirational authors and speakers from all around the world have this certain natural gift for making others feel good about themselves. Maybe because they have one way or another experienced obstacles and overwhelming difficulties in ...

No Nonsense Meetings

A camel is a horse designed by a committee! Meetings are a waste of time. Meetings are energy zappers and boring. With all that said, meetings can be made effective, engaging and meaningful. Here is how to do it:

Top Ten Reasons to Retire - And Finally Live Your Life

Whether retirement is a choice or you are forced into early retirement, take advantage of the opportunity to spend your golden years the way you want. And no longer be dictated by the rules of corporate policies.

Four Ways to Build a Deep Relationship With Yourself

Have you ever noticed how people treat you when you're in a good mood versus how they treat you when you're in a crappy mood? Have you ever really taking the time to figure out why that is? Just curious.

Abuse: Why Do Some People Always Put Others Down?

As a human being, one has the ability to lift others up and make their life easier, or they can pull others down and make their life harder. There are going to be some people who generally fit into the first category and then there will be others who generally fit into to the second category.

Self Improvement Must Be Based on Self

Nearly every person realizes that they need to improve in some areas and are quite sufficient in others, but how does one determine where they need to improve the most or how much? This can cause quite a dilemma and suffice it to say that such a challenge often causes procrastination or hesitation i

Are Your Goals And Dreams, Your Goals And Dreams?

You can't be true to yourself by trying to live someone else's dreams, or have someone else's goals! How much time and effort do you spend on you? What is really important to you, and why?

Start Developing Your Self Esteem

When you want to develop your self esteem, you must give yourself a positive self-imaging. Often when we are about to sleep, we recall all our activities for the day however, often, our brain only picks up the activities that made us disappointed in ourselves.

Paradigm Shift in Leadership

Ask anybody who is a leader, what leadership is all about and you will get very interesting answers in need. Ask him or her again whether he believes he is leader in his own right... will not get a very straight answer as well.

Ambiguous Loss: What Is It and Has It Happened to You?

Most of us are familiar with "normal" loss, the death of a loved one, friend, or pet. A few people know about anticipatory grief, a feeling of loss before a death of dreaded event occurs. Hardly anyone has heard of ambiguous loss, though thousands of people have experienced it. What kind o

Temporary Setbacks or Permanent Failure?

Nearly thirty years ago, I went rock climbing for the first time with a group in New Mexico. It sounded exciting and challenging! After a day and a half of training, which they called, "bouldering," ...

5 Characteristics of an Excellent Teacher

Teachers provide more than just lessons and lectures to their students inside a classroom. A positive and growth-oriented teacher-student relationship can have a long-lasting and life-changing effect for both individuals.

Wisdom From The Rock

To lead your team to greatness, use these Leadership Lessons from former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani.