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Self-Improvement : Health & Medical
Learning Spanish For Adults
If children can learn new languages, so can we. Learning the Spanish language can be fun, easy and quick and what's more is that it helps enhance a person's memorization ability. You too can learn the Spanish language in no time even if you say it's too late.
Focus and Vision: Clarity for the Goal Setter
Yes, I am still kind of stuck on Oprah's search for her new star. I watched a snippet of the show that gives people the opportunity to 'battle it out' and at the end, they will become the newest Oprah's show host.
5 Signs That Say You're BAD at Decision Making
Many leaders of small, medium and large scale companies are always depended on to make huge decisions and ensure that those are seen through. However, there are also those leaders which are just totally indecisive and don't really make a lot of confident choices, thus putting many crucial matte
Michael Losier - What I Learnt From the Teachings of Michael Losier
Michael Losier became famous for his book called: "Law of Attraction: The Science Of Attracting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don't". In this article I discuss some of the important lessons I've taken from Michael's teachings and how you can apply them to make a
Lying to Yourself - And Loving it
Thinking positive can be a lot like lying to yourself. You tell yourself things that are not true in order to change your state of mind. Friends who tell you to think positive are sabotaging you without even knowing it.
Stress Management - Relieve Your Stress by Helping Others
Stress is frequently an inward thought process causing you to think about yourself on a continuous basis. You can eliminate your stress by volunteering to help others.
Training Your Human Spirit - Key to Balanced Success
Developing your human spirit is the most important step in achieving balanced success. Success is nothing but a trained spirit dominating the body inhibitions through a renewed mind. The combination of spiritual exercises of meditation, confessions, prayer, fasting, praise and worship program your s
How to Cease Nightmares and Bad Dreams With Hypnotherapy
He just wishes to try out to lead a standard daily life. That sentiment is echoed by hundreds of thousands: the delicate, tortured college pupil who reads too very much Dostoevksy but who wishes to fi
Dreams and Their Meaning - How to Understand Your Dreams
It has been known that dreams are a representation of our unconscious fears and desires, yet modern scientists argue that dreams exist to aid our survival. It's hard enough trying to figure out why certain things happen in our conscious life, let alone trying to make sense of our dreams and wha
How to cure comparisonitis
Comparisonitis is a common illness that causes you to compare yourself to your friends, co-workers, siblings, and even celebrities. The problem with comparisonitis is that when you come up short in these comparisons, you can ...
High Ticket Coaching - Big Money Working From Home
What if you discovered how to boost the selling power of your coaching program starting today? Do you want to know what it takes to make massive income online selling coaching? The purpose of this article is to show you how easy it is to make huge income online starting a simple coaching program.
Three Elements to a Simple Moment in Life
Having the simple life can be often attained in a moments notice. Just be ready with a few instruments that can make a serene, simpler time available in no time.
Aptitude + Attitude = Altitude. Part 3 of 3
Copyright (c) 2008 GainMore Advantage What can I learn? People who achieve great success are always learning. They seek ways to improve and are prepared to work through the difficulties of change required to become ...
What Have You Resolved To Do This New Year?
2012 is here and hopefully off to a great start.Many of us are simply hoping 2012 is easier to handle than 2011.Everybody has an opinion about New Year’s resolutions some view them with disdain and ridicule and others view them as the perfect opportunity to start anew.For those in the latter g
Quick Techniques For Reducing Stress
Stress is all around us. At the clinic we teach participants of the "General Health Care Program" how to utilize their time for lunch breaks into Stress Reduction breaks.
Quiet Moments - Reflecting On The Self
Thank goodness for quiet moments for that is when you become one with who you are.It is during such quiet times that we reveal our inner most hidden thoughts and secrets about ourselves.
How to Set Effective Goals
Setting effective goals is an important aspect of any business. Why? When you set a goal you have a destination in mind.
A Stress Free Life
Life in the 21st century has its share of pros and cons. While we are able to enjoy the technology and other advancements in life, we are unable to keep our self immune to the stress that accompanies our cozy life. In fact, getting stressed is a normal thing.
5 Great Life Coaching Questions
One of the major differences between super successful people and the also rans, is the ability of the former to learn from their mistakes. You are human and as such you will make mistakes, that�
The Secret to Manifesting Your Evolution
Every person has the ability to live the life of their dreams. These simple tools will help make those dreams a reality. By changing your attitude and placing your intention on the things you want, rather than what you don't want. Learn the secret to unlocking the door to abundance and happines