Promoting Your Business Locally With Promotional Pens

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As a small business concentrating on your local area how do you market your products or services to as many local people as possible? Leaflet drops are a good idea you might think, but think again.
After you, family and friends have trudged the streets for hours, probably getting soaked at least once, been barked at by dogs and bitten by spring letter boxes, not forgetting wearing out a pair of shoes, what happens to your precious leaflets? You may have opted to pay the post office or a distribution agency to do this for you, an expensive option.
You hope that every potential customer will read and keep your leaflet and contact you when they require your particular service.
However in reality over 90% of leaflets are put straight in the bin along with all the other junk mail, without even being looked at on the day of delivery, after all yours is not offering a buy one get one free pizza so why keep it.
So what medium do you use to get your name into as many households as possible and that will be kept and used over a long period? The answer is promotional pens.
Inexpensive and useful, pens are items that we all need to use on a regular basis.
Even in this day of computers you can't beat a pen for crosswords, suduko, shopping lists, telephone message notes and you have to have one to fill out your lottery card at least once a week as nothing else will do.
This latter use is important to your business as it gives you the opportunity to get your name and service into numerous homes in your target area with very little effort.
All you have to do is decide on design and details to be included then take delivery and distribute.
The easy way to achieve distribution is via your local lottery outlets.
All of these whether they are local garages, corner shops, supermarkets or designated booths in shopping complexes need pens to give to all the customers who want to fill out their form for the lottery.
They will be only too pleased to accept your promotional pens to give out and for their customers to keep and take home, keep in their bag or pop in the car.
The pen will be used over and over again bringing your details into their view every time.
Clearly printed with your information the promotional pens have achieved your goal in getting your name known in the target area, cheaply and efficiently.
You can now spend your time serving your new customers rather than trudging the streets.
Surely this is a much better way to spend your time; building your business and income.
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