DIY Fishing Rod Runners
- 1). Take several old fishing hooks from the tackle box. The larger the hook, the better. Use the wire cutters of the multitool and cut off the hook's barb. Cut off as many hooks as you need runners.
- 2). Use the pliers' jaw's tips to grip the hook and bend it into a circle (as close to as possible using the rudimentary tools and gear). Overlap the ends of the hook wire to form enclosed loops.
- 3). Cut the existing (damaged) runner wrapping threads so it comes off the rod. Some runners are glued on to the rod as well; if your rod has glued runners, gently pry them off so no damage to the rod occurs.
- 4). Place the new runner on the rod's mounting position (where the old runner is removed) and wrap the runner onto the rod using old fishing line. As a general rule, wrap in a diamond crisscross pattern, going up 1/2 inch on both sides of the runner along the rod.
- 5). Apply a coat of glue over the thread wraps and runner where it meets the rod if you have glue in the tackle box (it is a good idea to carry clear super-epoxy in a tackle box for such emergencies or mishaps.) Get back to fishing.