Students Eating Healthy - Healthy Eating is a Lifestyle, Don"t Let it Stress You Out
The idea of students eating healthy conveys many different thoughts.
The one idea or set of ideas I will consider here is helping you to encourage your children to eat healthy.
If this surprises you, read on.
The idea of students of any age not eating well all the time is as reasonable as them not behaving well all the time.
Come on.
Do you not have children? Were you not a child? Of course students don't always eat healthy.
Now let's look at some ideas that will help you in your quest to get and/or keep your children eating well.
Modeling the behavior you want for your children is the most effective way to have them behave in the way you wish.
God told us to "train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it".
Even if you do not believe in God you cannot dismiss the logic of His instruction.
As part of your child's training the model of healthy eating you convey is one of the most important ingredients.
What they see you do they will emulate.
Involve your children in every facet of this lifestyle.
Have them help you with the preparation of your menu.
Ask for their input about what to eat for the meals you would like for the week giving many suggestions along the way.
Have them help you shop for the groceries so that they can begin to enjoy to search for the choices you as a team have decided upon.
Also involve them in the preparation of as many of the dishes you think they are capable of helping with depending, of course, on their age.
Encourage your children's healthy eating.
Whenever you have the opportunity to encourage something they are doing take it.
No matter how small their healthy eating habits fall in line with your desires that is a good thing.
Your encouragement will help cement the lifestyle you are trying to form.
So model the lifestyle of healthy eating you would like for your children.
Involve the children in every aspect of the food in your family.
And be sure to encourage them in whatever they are doing.
If they happen to want something "unhealthy" like cookies, cake or candy, so what.
Wasn't it Mary Poppins that taught us "a little bit of sugar helps the medicine go down".
I just happen to think in the long run you do not have to stress out about teaching your children to become students eating healthy.
They will surely surprise you if you have trained them in the way they should go even when the normal peer pressures of life exert themselves.
The one idea or set of ideas I will consider here is helping you to encourage your children to eat healthy.
If this surprises you, read on.
The idea of students of any age not eating well all the time is as reasonable as them not behaving well all the time.
Come on.
Do you not have children? Were you not a child? Of course students don't always eat healthy.
Now let's look at some ideas that will help you in your quest to get and/or keep your children eating well.
Modeling the behavior you want for your children is the most effective way to have them behave in the way you wish.
God told us to "train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it".
Even if you do not believe in God you cannot dismiss the logic of His instruction.
As part of your child's training the model of healthy eating you convey is one of the most important ingredients.
What they see you do they will emulate.
Involve your children in every facet of this lifestyle.
Have them help you with the preparation of your menu.
Ask for their input about what to eat for the meals you would like for the week giving many suggestions along the way.
Have them help you shop for the groceries so that they can begin to enjoy to search for the choices you as a team have decided upon.
Also involve them in the preparation of as many of the dishes you think they are capable of helping with depending, of course, on their age.
Encourage your children's healthy eating.
Whenever you have the opportunity to encourage something they are doing take it.
No matter how small their healthy eating habits fall in line with your desires that is a good thing.
Your encouragement will help cement the lifestyle you are trying to form.
So model the lifestyle of healthy eating you would like for your children.
Involve the children in every aspect of the food in your family.
And be sure to encourage them in whatever they are doing.
If they happen to want something "unhealthy" like cookies, cake or candy, so what.
Wasn't it Mary Poppins that taught us "a little bit of sugar helps the medicine go down".
I just happen to think in the long run you do not have to stress out about teaching your children to become students eating healthy.
They will surely surprise you if you have trained them in the way they should go even when the normal peer pressures of life exert themselves.