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Healthy Living : Health & Medical

Physical Therapy After Knee Scoping

A knee arthroscopy, commonly referred to as a knee scope, is performed to examine and repair the troubled portion of your knee. This is done by using an arthroscope, which has an attached video camera. Your surgeon will make a small incision in your knee to perform this procedure. The rehabilitation

Vaporizer Uses and Remedies

Vaporizers are devices that add moisture to the air by heating up water and releasing a hot mist. Vaporizers are useful for treating such medical conditions as a dry throat or to loosen mucus. They are also beneficial during winter months when the air is dry. Vaporizers must not be overused or the r

Prostate Abscess Cure

A prostate abscess is a collection of tissue or fluid most commonly caused by an infection or infectious organisms. Symptoms include urinary retention, frequency as well as pain. Most abscesses are discovered through prostate examinations, as the prostate normally enlarges in the event of an abscess

How to Set Goals With CBT

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a type of psychotherapy that employs the idea that our thoughts, and not our environment, are responsible for our feelings and behaviors. CBT places an emphasis on educational models and homework, making goal-setting and attainment an essential part of the thera

Unusual Bugs in Arizona

Desert landscapes often yield unusual plants and animals, including insects. To survive in the dry, hot environment, both plants and animals have to develop special adaptations, which often result in distinctive appearances. Arizona is home to interesting and unusual bug species, thanks to the state

Why Do You Get Headaches From Drinking Wine?

The Liver's WorkThe prime headache-causing culprit in wine, as in beer or hard liquor, is alcohol. The secondary culprit is the speed at which the wine drinker drinks. When you drink alcohol, the liver reacts to it, quickly, as a poison. The human body can metabolize -- that is, the liver...

Herbal Cures for Kidney Problems

Natural herbs have the potential to improve overall kidney and urinary tract health, prevent and treat kidney stones, and possibly assist with more serious kidney disease. They've been used in that capacity throughout time. But modern medicine has many concerns.

What Is Used to Sterilize Lab Equipment?

Scientific tests in laboratories must always be carried out in clean, sterile environments. Whether it's a medical or research lab, you need sterile equipment to ensure that results are accurate. In addition, many laboratories including hospitals reuse equipment and there is a real danger of spread

Diet With Low Glycemic Foods

Living in a time when diabetes is on the rise, knowing about the glycemic index can help you make healthier food decisions. A diet with low glycemic factors means you deposit and convert less sugar into your body. While the word "diet" seems to imply a sense of deprivation, a low glycemic diet actu

How to Improve Personal Growth

Personal growth is an ongoing process that lasts a lifetime. Discover how to foster it by using your daily experiences as learning tools.

Flu Myths & Facts

Flu can be a killer, and myths about the disease abound. The term flu is often used to refer to unrelated illnesses like stomach flu, but influenza is one thing only: a serious respiratory viral disease.

How to Clean a Hydrocollator

Proper maintenance of a Hydrocollator is necessary to ensure a safe and long lasting operational life of the unit. Frequent draining and cleaning of the unit will prevent the buildup of viruses, bacteria, and deposits. According to the Hydrocollator operation manual, the unit should be cleaned at le

Operating Room Humidity Requirements

High relative humidity causes medical personnel to perspire.surgical team during operation: working on open wo image by alma_sacra from Fotolia.comOperating rooms are required to deploy desiccant dehumidification units in an effort to regulate relative humidity. Low humidity can cause...

How to Benefit From Quecertin Supplementation

Quecertin is a flavanoid that can be found in apples and citrus fruits. It is the most abundant flavonoid and the building block of other flavonoids. The benefit of supplementation includes an increase in immune and cardiovascular function. It is a powerful antioxidant that helps your body fend off

HEPA Filtration Definition

HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filtration systems use filters to remove airborne particles from air. HEPA filtration systems can be found in air purifiers, vent filters and vacuums. HEPA filtration systems can be loud because of the air being circulated and forced through the filters. Once t

Side Effects of Taking Royal Jelly

Many things in nature that are good for us; herbs have long been used to help cure and heal many physical and emotional problems. However some things from nature need to be taken with caution since they can cause serious allergic reactions and even possibly be life threatening. Royal jelly is believ

What Causes Gas Smell From the Sewer When It Rains?

When it rains you expect everything to smell fresh and clean since the rainwater has cleaned the air and the surrounding area. What people probably don't expect is the smell of a sewer, either out on the street or in their house. Unfortunately, the problem is physics, and it affects both municipal s

How do I Start a Successful Fitness Jazzercise Business?

If fitness is your passion and you are considering building your own business, you might want to consider the Jazzercise franchise. Jazzercise, which combines pilates, yoga, kickboxing and other aerobic exercises, is a popular form of exercise and is one of the most popular and successful franchise

What Is Research Protocol?

A research protocol is a detailed set of instructions written by scientific researchers that outline the procedures for conducting the experiment and collecting data. Grant applications and ethics board approval require research protocol submission. Any researchers using human subjects must create a

Who Are the Most Common Victims of Food Poisoning?

Babies are more susceptible to food poisoning than others.eating a sandwich image by Renata Osinska from Fotolia.comPeople get food poisoning when they eat foods contaminated with bacteria or other toxins, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. Common symptoms include...