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Trees & Houseplants : Home & Garden
Tropical Trees in Georgia
The most important consideration to how well a tropical tree will grow outside the tropics is its ability to withstand cold weather. Georgia is a state of contrast. Although the northwestern part of the state is mountainous and can be quite cold, the southeastern part is subtropical. The...
Aquatic Biome Plants
The University of California's Museum of Paleontology describes the aquatic biome as the largest of all biomes, comprising about 75 percent of the Earth's surface. It consists of freshwater regions, known for having less than one percent salt concentration. Freshwater regions include ponds, lakes, s
How to Grow Mountain Laurels From Seed
Mountain laurel, Kalmia latifolia L., is an evergreen shrub that reaches a maximum height of 6 to 29 feet at full maturity. Although the plant is drought resistant and relatively hardy, it does not transplant well. Grow mountain laurel from seed planted directly into the ground once the daytime temp
How to Grow Jasmine Berries
Jasmine plants are native to the West Indies and tropical regions of America, but are hardy and can be grown almost anywhere with enough care and attention. Jasmine plants become medium-sized shrubs with dark, smooth green leaves that grow 4 to 12 feet in diameter. Small, green and white flowers blo
How to Prune Roses After Bloom
By pruning, tying and working with the natural growth habit of roses, you can achieve a look of controlled wildness. Planting roses during dormant seasons and pruning them just after bloom, ensures your rose bushes will produce quality roses. If you desire to watch your roses crawl and climb, build
When to Prune Oak Trees in Howard, Wisconsin
Oak trees everywhere, including those in Howard, Wisconsin, are susceptible to oak wilt, and the beetles that spread the fungal disease are active during certain months of the year. It is important to avoid pruning or wounding the oak tree during this period.
Why Do My Tall & Beautiful Tomato Plants Not Have One Tomato?
While the tomato is America's most popular home gardening crop, and the fruits are known all over the world for their variety of flavors, growing tomatoes is not always easy. If a tomato plant has the correct conditions, it can produce many fruits, but missing just one condition, such as enough wate
Nematodes in Compost
Nematodes in compost are a blessing because they eat organic residues and contribute organic compounds to the decomposition process. Nematodes eat voraciously, devouring decaying vegetation, bacteria, microbes and other invertebrates, enriching the compost. They also tunnel as they feed, aerating th
Fusarium Root Rot
Fusarium root rot is a fungal disease that is caused by Gusarium solani. This disease commonly infects beans and sweet potatoes. This fungus severely damages the root systems of infected plants, eventually causing them to shrivel and mummify.
The Botanical Name of Bougainvillea
Visit any subtropical or tropical land and you'll likely see magnificent flowering specimens of the bougainvillea vine. Also commonly called paper flower, Bougainvillea also is the botanical genus name. Bougainvillea comprises 18 species of woody plants -- both shrubby vines and trees -- native to S
Jasmine Flower Colors
White is not the only color for jasmine flowersBrand X Pictures/Brand X Pictures/Getty ImagesJasmine is a flowering shrub with over 200 varieties that bloom at different times of the year. Its flowers can appear as solitary blossoms or bloom in clusters and are usually white, off-white,...
Valerian Root & Kava Comparison
Kava comes from the dried root of Piper methysticum, a plant native to islands in the South Pacific. Valerian originated in Asia and Europe, though it is now found in North America as well. Consult a medical professional before using either supplement.
Effect of Different Types of Manure on Tomato Plants?
Tomatoes will grow in any soil. Choosing to plant tomatoes in a clay or sandy soil will result in spindly plants producing small, cracked tomatoes with green tops and pale red bottoms. Once a rich supply of dry manure is added to these soils, there will be an amazing transformation of the plants an
When to Prune Orange Trees in AZ
Arizona's hot, dry climate is an ideal environment for citrus trees. Fresh oranges are an ample source of many vitamins, including vitamin C, B complex and folic acid. Oranges can be squeezed for juice, used in marinades and sauces, or cooked into marmalade. Whether you are growing blood oranges, ta
How to Plant Wisteria Vertically
Wisteria produces violet-blue blooms in mid to late spring. Growing on a woody vine, the 8- to 15-inch scented blooms all open at the same time. Both the Chinese and Japanese varieties of wisteria, which are the most popular for growing at home, are capable of reaching lengths up to 25 feet. Grow wi
The Best Ways to Kill Lawn Grass
A healthy, beautiful lawn is the dream of many a homeowner, but sometimes you want to kill your less-than-desirable lawn grass and start over. Perhaps you want to eliminate the grass so you can create a lower-maintenance yard, or just want to target certain areas of grass or types, such as crabgrass
My Pepper Plants Are Turning Yellow
If you notice your pepper plants are becoming increasingly yellow, your plants are likely dealing with a virus. As pepper plants are susceptible to a wide variety of problems including fungal and bacterial infections as well as pest infestations, observe symptoms carefully for an accurate diagnosis.
How to Trim Pines
Pines are evergreen trees. Pine tree species are identified by their differing cones, needles, bark and growth habits. The needles vary in length from 1 to 10 inches, and grow in bundles, called fascicles, on the limbs. Typically, pine trees lose their needles every three or four years. Pines requir
Fast Growing & Drought Resistant Trees
A healthy fast growing drought resistant tree requires a combination of nature and nurture. Even though a tree is genetically predisposed to these attributes, it cannot reach its full potential without the right growing conditions. Select trees that naturally thrive in the type of soil present and t
When Do Hedge Balls Start to Fall?
The hedge ball is just one of the names for the fruit of the Osage orange. They are also known as horse apples, monkey balls, mock orange and green brains. The tree itself is known by the French name of bodark and scientifically as Maclura pomifera. The trees, planted as hedges, were used to contain