What Does an Army Engineer Brigade Do?

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Military : Law & Legal & Attorney

Bullet Proof Uniforms for Soldiers and Police

The need for bullet proof uniforms for soldiers and police are becoming more prevalent due to IED's and close confrontation fighting. IED's have become one of the biggest killers of our service members in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Lower body armor is becoming more of a need due to sev

How to Donate to the USA Military

The United States Military accepts all form of donations from money to Christmas gifts for troops overseas. Many of the U.S. Military donations go towards scholarships and educational development for their troops. The most common way to donate today is using the Internet. There are numerous organiza

Iraq Invasion Anniversary

March 20th, 2010 will mark the seven year anniversary of the United States invasion and occupation of Iraq. Although we don't hear much about Iraq in the news these days, our occupation of Iraq has entered an inflection point. Here' why: the war has gone on and on...for seven years to be e

USMC Boot Camp Preparation

USMC boot camp will challenge you - both mentally and physicall like nothing you have ever done. Are you prepared? Read this article to find out!

What Is the Amnesty Act?

The Amnesty Act was a law passed on May 22, 1872, to provide amnesty to soldiers of the Confederate Army.

Another Bid to Build a Flying Submarine

Submarines that can fly like airplanes have been promoted in science fiction entertainment for many years. As early as the 1960s, in the Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea movie and television series, a flying sub often used for exploration, was contained in the belly of a larger submarine called the S

Military Base Protocol for Doing Business

Driving onto a military base can feel like you are entering a foreign country. Military bases operate with a strict level of protocol, which is a combination of good manners and common sense that creates a setting for effective communication.

Supplies to Send Military Troops

Troops overseas appreciate receiving a little bit of home.a soldier on exercise image by Pavel Bernshtam from Fotolia.comTroops serving in other countries do not always have access to supplies they may need or desire. Americans are able to help support the troops by sending certain items...

How to Register for the Marine Corps Marathon

The Marine Corps Marathon is an annual marathon event held in Arlington, Virgina and Washington D.C. The marathon was first held in 1976 and is open to the first 30,000 registrants. The Marine Corps Marathon does not have any qualification time requirements and it is open to everyone 14 and older. T

What is Civil Air Patrol?

As the official U.S. Air Force Auxiliary, CAP is assigned more than 90 percent of the Air Force's inland search and rescue missions. It is credited with saving an average of 80 lives each year. CAP was founded one week before the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Its volunteers flew more than 50

ASVAB Questions - Part 1 Word Knowledge

Most of the ASVAB questions in the Word Knowledge chapter involve straight synonyms. You will be provided with a word and you need to select which word from the list of four choices that which has the closest equivalent meaning to the given word

The ASVAB Is Not That Difficult

If you are considering a career with the United States Armed Services, then you probably know that you have to take the military version of an entrance exam called the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery or ASVAB for short. Your friends have probably told you that this is a very difficult tes

How to Prepare For Marine Corps Boot Camp - The Ultimate Guide

If you are feeling down because you do not know what to expect at boot camp for marines, I suggest that you make sure that you read the following article. This article will provide you with a guide that explains the major changes that you will go through when becoming a true marine.

Contract Labor Definition

Defining a person as contract labor takes many of the responsibilities of taxes and income reporting off the shoulders of the employer. However, there are certain characteristics that a worker must meet to be considered contract labor.

A Letter To A Marine

A third grade student wrote<br>a quizzing letter meant to tote<br>to the front for the men doing the fighting.

Military Spouse Etiquette

Life in the military world is full of challenges. While many of these challenges are faced by the one who is serving, military spouses also have rules, both spoken and unspoken, that should be followed to reflect well on the military member.

Air Force Reserve Qualifications

Originally formed in 1948 as a standby for emergencies requiring additional personnel, the U.S. Air Force Reserve has more than 67,000 reservists who serve one weekend a month and two weeks a year of active duty. Qualifications for joining the Air Force Reserve vary, based on whether an entrant has

The US Must Guard UAV Bases With a Vengeance to Protect Our War Efforts

Everyone knows that the insurgents, terrorists, Pirates, and other mischief makers around the world do not like the idea of aerial drones spying on them. They realize that their days are numbered, and some of these aerial drones are armed with hellfire missiles, which basically means; they can be ta