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Self-Improvement : Health & Medical

What You Need to Know About SMART Goal Setting

In this article, we will explore the SMART goal setting method. It is one of the most effective tools you can use to get closer to the goals you intend to achieve in your career and your life.

Self Develop Our Personal Growth

We as human beings should never stand still. we were not designed to and if we try to, we become stagnated both in energy and thought. We should always try to achieve and self develop ...

Breaking Habits to Build Self Confidence

It is difficult to tell where we are going wrong in life sometimes due to the fast pace of the world and our lives. Have you felt unhappy even when you have some of the traits of a normal life such as a job, a home, a relationship and so on?

Bring Your Dreams Into Reality By Acting As If

Simple insecurity in any situation is certainly no fun, but when it's in the face of something we really want, it can be debilitating.Whatever you believe, you can achieve.Act the part and watch your beliefs change.Then see how insecure you are.

Invoke Your Power Over Feeling of Agitation

It is time to invoke your power over any feelings of agitation. Living in the physical realm is always going to open you up to dealing with people who may not be as spiritually advanced as you are. This will tend to have them behave in ways that are less wise, and not of their highest good. You can

Executive Coaching For Failed Leadership - A Look at the Dark Side

Are you working in an organization where leaders have failed to fulfill their promise? Do the leaders in your organization let their followers down? Inspiring and ethical leaders put others interests ahead of their own. Are you an ethical leader who displays good judgment? Are you able to create a h

Move Your Iceberg II: Be, Do, Have

Most people who want to improve their lives try to do it backwards. They see others enjoying a better life, and their first desire is to HAVE what those others have. If only they had something different (more money, more time, more energy, whatever), they reason, why, then they could DO the right th

Take the Stress out of Homework

Homework is a chore for most children and can cause stress for both child and parents. It can be very difficult for many children and adults to cope with the large amounts of homework today's

Easy Clutter Tips From a Reformed Clutter Bug

If your house is in a disorderly and messy state, it may be time to take action and get organized. Here are some easy Clutter Tips that you can apply straight away to any room in your house. To get prepared, grab yourself a notepad and we can get started with reducing cluttering in our home.

What's Holding You Back?

So here we are four and a half months into this powerful year and I'm wondering how it's going for you? Has this year lived up to what you thought it might be? From planetary alignments not seen in 150 years to electing a new leader of the free world, there is much to be said about the pot

9/11 - Should Americans Forgive?

Full Text Transcript America On Air #2: 9/11 - Should Americans Forgive? Background: In 2001, 19 terrorists hijacked 4 passenger jets, 2 of the planes crashed into the World Trade Center complex in New York City. 1 plane hit the Pentagon, another 1 crashed into a field in Pennsylvania.

Beyond the Pain of Multiple Losses - Recovery, Reconciliation Or Resolution?

I think of 2007 as the year of death. That year, my daughter, father-in-law, brother, and former son-in-law died, all in the span of nine months. Ever since then I have been doing my grief work. As you might imagine, the grief work associated with multiple losses takes longer than the grief work ass

Do Your Thoughts Need Polishing Up?

If you have ever seen a geode, you would know they look like an ordinary rock on the outside but when broken open, they reveal a beautiful display of crystals. When polished, wow, simply breathtaking. Think of your thoughts like a geode that when opened and polished, they are brilliant gems. So what