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Self-Improvement : Health & Medical
What Are the Best Self Care Techniques For Creative Artists?
Whatever your preferred ways of creating, all creative artists need certain elements in our lives to be able to create most freely, and to explore our full potential. Learning how to take care of yourself and your creativity is a crucial part of this.If you had a car that you never got serviced, did
How to Know When It's Time to Quit
Here are some simple ideas to consider whenever you are thinking of quitting anything. These rules will apply whether you are considering quitting a job, relationship, practice, addiction, lifestyle... etc.
Sweet Rule of God or Bitter Tyranny of Self?
There is a weight that hangs over all humankind because of a human will gone crazy. When we have given up the rights to ourselves, we are astounded how close we came to be in spiritual oblivion. At the end of ourselves is the beginning of God.
Becoming Worry Free Is Easier Than You Think
Is worry taking over your life? If it is, you're not alone. We all worry - it seems to be a part of human nature. The key is to not to let your worries become ...
Leadership Skills That Portray Wisdom
When it comes to leadership skills you first have to be a role model with great wisdom and integrity. You should at all times present yourself with great confidence and self-control. Lao Tzu says: Mastering ...
Social Workers - Helping The Down Trodden To Improve Their Lot
Millions of people in the world live a life in abject poverty, and this has been going on for centuries. However, there have been entire communities, and eventually, nations that have managed to improve their lot, and now their next generations have broken the shackles of poverty, and have improved
See God in What is Presently Happening and Translate Your Doctrine Into Practical Experience
When you have gone through a rough patch it is then you can see what has really been happening in your circumstances, and that will deepen your level of leadership.The writer of these Psalms understood what leadership was all about. There is a developing progression here as we mature step by step.
Time Management
For just about anybody, time is our most precious commodity. Our lives are finite and we are all destined to spend a fixed number of days on this Earth. But for self-employed individuals, time is ...
Law of Attraction - Why Psychic Protection is Necessary to Your Success
When you think of the need for psychic protection, you may think of curses and witch craft and all the lot.However, when you understand the science of thought, energy and intention you'll realize how necessary psychic protection really is.
Prescription Addiction Can Be a Problem for Troubled Teens
Xanax addiction is a subject that's near and dear to my heart. Alprazolam, which is the chemical name for Xanax (which is the brand name of the drug produced by Pfizer), is a prescription I've had off-and-on for years. It's a sedative from the benzodiazapene class of drugs, that is of
Beliefs That Keep You From Being Wealthy
If you want to be wealthy, then, first, you have to assess your own beliefs. Now, there are certain beliefs that can keep out the wealth that one may most probably acquire, if only he or she believed the opposite. So, what are these beliefs?
How To Stop Looking For Job Security And Take The Risks You Fear
How many people do you know who are doing a job that they hate, but are scared stiff they're going to lose it? It sounds ridiculous doesn't it? But I estimate that an increasing amount of people are in this position right now.
3 Keys to Abundant Living
Are you living a life of abundance and consistently manifesting prosperity into your life? If not, these 3 Keys will show you how to live an abundant and prosperous life.
5 Powerful Tips For Dealing With On The Job Stress And Anxiety
Do you feel like you may lose your mind if you continue working at such a high stress job? Most people who work in high stress positions feel this way from time to time. You are not unique in your feelings. Here are five powerful techniques to take control of the uncontrollable.
How to Keep Your Sanity Clear in Our Technological World
The paradox of a technological society is that on the one hand life has apparently become easier. You do not need to squeeze orange juice any more to prepare your morning juice and greetings for a friend's birthday can be sent electronically. On the other hand our emotional lives have become mu
Advertising Techniques Using Subliminal Suggestion
The use of subliminal suggestion is very popular with advertisers. As more an more people began going to the theatre and became absorbed in different types of media advertisers tried to find a way to reach these potential customers.
Advice to Quit Drinking Alcohol
If you are planning to quit drinking alcohol and you are thinking that you will give up the habit on your own without help from alcohol support groups or alcohol rehabilitation programs, you should think ...
The Ultimate Learning Tool (and Its One Big Secret)
What is the best way to learn a language? Immerse yourself, go to the country and stay with a family or acquaintance who does not speak your language. Pure immersion.
Take Advantage of Your Resilience
Are you resilient? Do you take advantage of the vast array of ways that you can live life, or do you cower from opportunities? Changes are inevitable, as they are part and parcel of universal arrangements. They are not to be feared because they offer you the chance to prove your mettle. How else cou
Unemployment Is Opportunity To Change Life
Unemployment is opportunity to change your life. Change your CV, learn new skills, new language, go to the workshops and seminars.