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Self-Improvement : Health & Medical

Meditation Benefits for Baby Boomers

Meditation has tremendous advantages for virtually every part of life and those who incorporate it into their everyday lifestyles can easily experience those advantages practically once they begin. You don't need to be a guru at meditation to understand advantages from the first time you are ab

Understanding Stress and Making it Work For You

Whoever said that we can eliminate stress in our day-to-day life? Stress is a natural and normal part of the human existence. Every activity, opportunity, or situation that we involve ourselves in comes with stress elements, which could either be viewed positively or negatively. Hence, our goal shou

The Massive Diverse World Of Boot Variations

The two trend tendencies served usher in the boot as each day footwear that modern-day ladies at present take pleasure in.Gogo boots inspired numerous of today's modern day boot designs. Even so, the phrase gogo ...

Finding Hope in God

What do you hope for? What is holding you back? Having hope in God and then moving it along is the action He wants you to take!

Leaders Must Deliver On Their Promises

Is it just me, or are you also sick and tired of campaigning politicians continuously making promises that they have no intention of keeping, or even worse, have no intention of even trying to keep? If so, how can we explain why these individuals keep doing so, and voters keep casting their votes la

Cravings - Wanting to Use and Triggers

Not using is perhaps the biggest change in early recovery, and cravings, thinking about using, and triggers will happen to you. Rather than be embarrassed about these cravings, or think that you have done something wrong, realize that all alcoholics and addicts, at some point in their recovery, will

What to Do - Making Decisions

Proverbs 19:8 tells us "Those who get wisdom do themselves a favor, and those who love learning will succeed." At first, when looking at this Proverbs verse, one can assume that you can learn everything by going to school, getting the right mentor, etc... However, when we dive deeper into

Whose Advice Do You Take?

Whose Advice Do You Take? By Connie H. Deutsch Long before the Internet became a staple in households, people went to their parents, doctors, clergymen, hairdressers, and bartenders for different kinds of advice. Nowadays, we ...

Entrepreneurs Persist To The End

Slow and steady wins the race. All the way back to that story about the slow tortoise beating the quick bunny, we've been taught that patience and persistence pays off in the end - especially ...

The Secret, the Law of Attraction - A Movie Review

Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning, I wake up at the crack of dawn and meet 15 women to exercise. This boot camp has been tough but I have enjoyed meeting so many professional women who inspire me to keep going every morning. One of my co-exercisers came to me one morning with a handful of

2011 New Year's Resolutions

2011 can be your year for the change you've long wanted. Change can only occur when there's enough resolve - when there's a vision for what is wanted, sufficient dissatisfaction with the status quo, and where there's a process to get to the new, better place.

The Genius Of Creativity

Creative solutions Have you ever thought about becoming a creative genius? To do so, you simply have to come up with creative solutions to solve prevailing problems. The good news is that you don't have ...

Opening Your Door When Opportunity Knocks

When opportunities come knocking, are you ready to receive them with a smile? Living life successfully is "being in the position of recognizing great opportunities when they come-a-knocking on your door, and being able to open the door to these opportunities, quickly".