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Holidays & party : Society & Culture & Entertainment
How to Remove Clearcoat From Aluminum Rims
The alloy wheels on your vehicle can be a significant asset to its appearance. Many wheels that have a natural aluminum finish have a clearcoat to protect it and add gloss. Over time, however, clearcoats can begin to dry out, crack and even turn yellow, degrading the appearance of your once-beautif
Holiday Stress Relief - Organization is Key
The holidays are a busy and stressful time for everyone. The best stress buster for holiday blues is good organization and pre-planning well in advance. We'll show you how, with some simple tips and strategies.
Trendy Bridal Shower Gifts
A trendy gift can be a memorable and neon image by sumos from Fotolia.comThrow convention to the wind and get a trendy bridal shower gift for the bride-to-be. One of the main advantages to trendy gifts is that no one is likely to turn up at the shower bearing the same gift, so...
How to Write Scary Stories with Children
Children and adults alike love to be scared. Nothing is more fun than sitting around a campfire, toasting marshmallows and telling spooky stories that will keep the listeners up all night. Writing one of these scary stories down on paper will help children not only brush up on their English grammar
How to Draw a Black Cat for Halloween
Putting together a drawing project for Halloween is a creative way to get yourself and your little ones excited for the upcoming holiday. You can teach yourself how to draw a black cat, an animal synonymous with the spooky day. You can even give the cat an arched back, as if the animal is ready to p
How to Make a Holiday Wreath
Making a Christmas Wreath is not only fun - but you really can get creative with them and make them extremely unique. Here are instructions for making a traditional holly wreath. With these instructions, you will be able to get the basic idea of how wreaths are actually made, and you can then decide
Gifts for a Grieving Friend
One of the best gifts you can give a grieving friend is an ear to listen and a shoulder to cry image by AGITA LEIMANE from Fotolia.comIn addition to intense feelings of sadness, grief brings with it high levels of stress and even chaos within the life of an individual who is...
Holiday Place Card Ideas
Place cards are frequently used in weddings due to the sometimes large number of guests and chaos that would ensue if guests were not directed to specific seats. Using place cards for your holiday meals can serve a similar purpose as well as add to the meal. Think about the meal and gathering you ar
Long Tables Vs. Round Tables at a Wedding Reception
Wedding reception planning includes refreshments, decorations, seating and room arrangement, in addition to determining the location of the reception. The types of activities planned at the reception and the facility restrictions will influence some of your choices. The size and shape of tables at t
Good Gifts for Twins
Choose cool gifts for a set of twins.Chris Stein/Digital Vision/Getty ImagesChoosing a gift for twins takes a little extra thought. Although twins have the same birthday and sometimes look exactly alike, they are different people. Some twins prefer a gift that they can share or two gifts...
How to Decorate a Pumpkin-Shaped Cookie for Halloween
Halloween is the ideal time to let diets fall by the wayside. If you're going to enjoy sugary treats, you might as well make them Halloween themed. Buy pumpkin-shaped cookie cutters from a craft store or Halloween store. Mix up a batch of sugar cookies, since these can easily be rolled out and cut w
The Key To A Water Party That Rocks
Do you want to create a themed party that all kids will love? Try throwing a water themed party for your next kid's event. Every kid loves water, and it will be a unique and fun party that will ensure everyone has fun from beginning to end.
Holiday Gifts for Women
Whether you are looking for a gift for your mother, daughter, sister, niece, or another special woman in your life, it is possible to find the perfect gift that won't cost you a lot of money. There are many gift options available, even for those picky recipients.
How to Make a Child's Donkey Costume
"You're a girl dragon!" Children have delighted in this memorable line spoken by Eddie Murphy as "Donkey" in the beloved children's classic, Shrek. The sweet simple donkey has been one of man's most faithful servants. Its gentle nature and enduring strength made it the transportation of choice for
Original Costume Ideas
Children and adults alike enjoy Halloween. They get excited about dressing in costumes and spending an evening with a "new" identity. Children get excited about gathering as much candy as possible, and teenagers and adults often attend costume parties rife with dancing and spooky games....
Xmas Gifts for a Grandma
Finding a perfect Christmas gift for a grandmother might be difficult because many grandmas "already have everything" and don't want knickknacks or other material items. They also may have reached an age where they don't need much. Simple and meaningful is best when searching for a Christmas gift fo
How to Make a Homemade Pokedex
The Pokedex is an item in Pokemon games that your character is given to record the information about all of the different Pokemon you see while playing. Create your own Pokedex using index cards and a box to hold them in. Making your own Pokedex is a craft your Pokemon enthusiast child will enjoy ma
Personalized Sports Gifts for Babies
Encourage a family's love of sports with thoughtful baby girl image by Xavier MARCHANT from Fotolia.comChildren often grow up with a love of sports, and encouraging family members and friends help to foster this interest early on. Choose personalized sports gifts for a baby...
Unique Christmas Gifts for Boys
If you ask a boy what he wants for Christmas, chances are good he will repeat whatever he has seen on this week's TV commercials. Yes, he enjoys video games, the latest blockbuster DVDs and this week's cell-phone must-have; but if you want to give him something exceptional, something...
Gift Ideas for Girls Age 3
Purchasing a gift for a girl can be a challenge. Purchasing a gift for a 3-year-old girl can be even more daunting. The 3-year-old girl is beginning to demonstrate independence, express her feelings and have imaginative playtime--all considerations when buying a gift for her.