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Apple : Technology
How to Soft Reset the iPod & Restore the Files
Sometimes your iPod freezes up for no apparent reason. Plugging it into your computer does not unlock it, and it looks like you now have a fancy, compact paperweight. To fix this problem, try a soft reset, which keeps your music, photos and podcasts intact while rebooting your iPod. If resetting you
How to Get the App Store on a 1st Generation iTouch
The App Store was a feature of the iPhone's OS update in 2008, which was free for iPhone users, but costs $4.95 for first generation iPod Touch users. Available through the iTunes Store, the firmware update for the iPod Touch increases the device's functionality through thousands of applications ava
How to Replace a Droid Incredible Digitizer
The Droid Incredible digitizer sits on top of the LCD and makes it possible for the device to recognize when you touch and move your finger across the screen. The digitizer also provides a little bit of protection for the actual LCD, and an impact can damage the digitizer without hurting the much mo
How to Load a Sansa Clip Plus With iTunes
By enabling your Sansa Clip Plus to Mass Storage Class mode, you can load music from iTunes to your media player. In MSC mode, the computer and iTunes views the Sansa as a storage device. Normally, iTunes music was designed to be transferred only to Apply devices such as the iPhone or iPod. With MSC
IPhone 4: Why Is There a Black Screen When I Take it Away From My Face During a Call?
Users new to smartphones may find themselves confused by the behavior of their iPhone 4's screen while on a call. After holding the iPhone 4 against an ear during a conversation, users may notice that the screen is black when taking it away from the face. While the display reappears after only a few
Can I Connect a MIDI to an iPad?
Apple's iPad is a tablet computer with a large and growing library of available applications. It wasn't long after its initial release that various developers began producing an array of MIDI software instruments and related applications for the device, taking advantage of its built-in Core MIDI fun
Napster MP3 Music Store Review, page 2
The bottom line of this Napster review: why the services gets just 2.5 stars.
How to Use Palm Pre Stand Alone GPS
Most modern mobile devices have dozens of features. Mobile Web browsers, advanced video games and touch screens are all sought-after options on cell phones today. GPS technology is included in many of the top smart phones, including the Palm Pre. The Pre uses its GPS technology to display your locat
How to Get an iPod Touch Going Again When It Crashes
The iPod touch occasionally handles large volumes of data, and it can sometimes freeze or crash, giving you a frozen or blank screen. There are three simple steps to reset your iPod back to normal. You can restart your iPod, which simply turns the iPod off and on. You can reset your iPod, which is l
Snow Leopard Tip: View All Docked Finder Windows
View All Docked Finder Windows: In case you didn't already know this, option-clicking the minimize button in a Finder window will collapse all open Finder windows to the Dock.This has been the case with OS X as far back as I can remember. I can't confirm it, but it may have been a shortcut
Profile: Cut the Rope HD
Cut the Rope will invariably be compared with Angry Birds, but while Angry Birds is about directing those birds in their mission, Cut the Rope is about candy. So it is no wonder it is one of the top puzzle games on the iPad.
How to Review an iPod Ownership Guarantee
Prior to purchasing a used iPod, it is useful to know the warranty information that applies to the device. Any iPod warranty is attached to the device itself, and is independent of the owner. To check the guarantee that the iPod is under, it just takes a couple of simple and easy steps.
How to Unlock My iPod if I Forgot the Combination
You can program your iPod to lock once it's disconnected from your computer to prevent other people from using it without your permission. This feature is available on newer iPod models, but not the first year models. Once the iPod is locked, you need to enter the four-digit combination to unlock th
Speck PixelShield iPad Case Review
At a US$39.95 list price, I just can't recommend this case. It's not a bad case - it's acceptable, provides good protection, and is easy to grip - but it's so basic that that price just feels too high. Especially when cases with comparable features can be had for less than half t
How to Upload Pictures to iPod Touch From Google
In addition to providing a method for synchronizing with Apple's iPhoto application, the iPod Touch is capable of taking pictures from the Web and storing them in the device's library. With the development of the mobile version of Google Images, the process of searching for and capturing images thro
How to Use OS X as a Network File Server
Hard Drives to Use With Your Server: Choosing one or more hard drive can be as simple as making do with what you already have installed in the Mac; you can also add one or more internal or external drives. If you’re going to buy additional hard drives, look for ones rated for continuous (24/7)
How Do I Transfer Songs From My iPod to My PC?
Transferring music from your iPod to your computer allows you to play your favorite music at home, school and at work. Your iPod is a portable, high-capacity device that can be used to transfer media to any device with MP3 capabilities. Although some devices can read an iPod immediately upon connect
How to Remove Engraving on a Nexus One
The Google Nexus One by HTC is Google's flagship cellular phone. To celebrate its release, Google gave customers the option to add a free personalized engraving to their phones. Without realizing it might diminish the resale value, many people decided to get this free customization, and would now li
Trouble Logging Into My iPhone
If you are unable to log into your iPhone or open applications on your iPhone, there may be a software or setting conflict on the device that requires restarting your phone. According to Apple, restarting the device resolves many issues that occur on the device, as it clears the memory used by appli
How to Reject a Call with a T-Mobile Highlight
The T-Mobile Samsung Highlight SGH-t749 allows you to reject a call two different ways. You can reject the call immediately, or you can silence the ringer and let the phone forward the call to voice mail automatically. Rejecting the call sends the call to voice mail right away, but the person on the