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Apple : Technology

How to Download Pac-Man Games on the iPod Nano

While the third- and fourth-generation iPod Nano devices do not have the app capabilities of later iPod and iPhone devices, users can download and use a variety of click-wheel games. Among the games available are the original Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man ghost-chomping games. iPod Nano wheel-click games

How to Win at Ruzzle

Ruzzle is a fun game that combines word making games like Boggle with word strategy games like Scrabble. And with these tips, you can rack up a higher score than your friends.

How to Put CD Music on the iPod Nano

An iPod Nano can be used to listen to music while you are away from your computer or non-portable music player. As with other iPods on the market, the Nano does not come with its own CD drive. This doesn't mean that you can't listen to an audio CD using your iPod Nano. The iTunes software can be use

How to Unlock/ Jailbreak an iPhone

Ever wondered how to unlock or jailbreak your iPhone or iPod touch? Want to do it for free? Want to do it in about 10 minutes? This article is for you.

How to Use Sound Check With iPod

The volume that songs play back at on the iPod can be different. This can be annoying – especially if you’ve just turned the iPod up to hear a quiet song and the next one half deafens you. Sound Check is a tool built into iPod that plays all songs at roughly an equal volume.

How to Buy an iPod Touch Case Online

The iPod Touch, also known as an iTouch, utilizes a large multi-touch graphical user interface that easily scratches. Therefore, you might want to purchase a case for your iTouch to protect it from scratches and other damage. Apple sells several types of iPod Touch cases online through the Apple web

How to Rearrange Apps on iTouch

The iPod Touch lets you customize your Home screens so you can organize and rearrange app icons however you want. You can create up to 11 Home screens for your apps. You can also create different folders to help manage applications. Navigate to the "Reset" tab of the general settings menu and select

How to Transfer iPod Music to a Reformatted Hard Drive

You can transfer music from your computer to your iPod using a USB cable and the iTunes media player. But the process will not work in reverse. However, if your hard drive is being reformatted, you can save your iTunes library on discs and later transfer your songs to your iPod.

How to Tell if My iPhone Has Been Compromised

The iPhone is a marvel of technology. It is literally a hand-held computer as much as it is a phone that enables you to surf the net, download files, and receive emails, among many other features. Just like your desktop computer, the iPhone is vulnerable to hackers, viruses and more. Even by being c

How to Uninstall the SBSettings on an iPod Touch

SBSettings is a third-party application available from the Cydia store. This application allows you to control important system controls from one main screen. This means you can toggle your 3G service off and go into Airplane Mode from the same screen. To access the Cydia store to get this program,

Earphones Compatible With the 3rd Generation iPod Shuffle

The third-generation iPod Shuffle is designed without the music control buttons normally found on an iPod. Without play/pause and track skip buttons, the third-generation iPod Shuffle relies on headphones with an integrated remote to perform these functions. If headphones without a remote are used,

How to Sync Mac Keychains with Dropbox

iCloud doesn't offer keychain syncing for the Mac, but with just a bit of your time, and a Dropbox account, you can recreate the keychain syncing service.

How to Rip Music From an iPod to a Computer

Because of licensing agreements with several music companies, Apple does not allow a few things for iPod users that would make life easier. You can only sync your iPod to one computer and you cannot transfer files from your iPod to iTunes---at least not by using Apple software. While nothing can be

Ring.tones+ iPhone App Review

Ring.tones+ is a new app that includes more than 100 ringtones for your iPhone. You'll be impressed by the interface, but are the limited sounds enough to earn Ring.tones+ a spot on our list of the best iPhone ringtone apps?

Shrek Kart HD Review

Shrek Kart HD is the iPad version of the iPhone racing game where you speed around in karts, collecting power ups and using them against fellow racers. Based on the Shrek universe, you'll get to race through famous places like The Swamp and Far Far Away.

How to Change Bootloader Firmware on iPhone

The iPhone's bootloader is a small piece of software that allows the operating system to boot off the iPhone's physical hardware. It's a lot like the BIOS system on a full-sized computer. And just like the BIOS, different versions of the bootloader will allow your phone to do different things. Usual

How to Tell What Version an iPhone Is

The operating system on an iPhone is the interface you use to perform tasks and open apps. Apple routinely provides operating system updates for iPhone users, optimizing the phone and adding new software features. The updates also fix bugs and glitches in the current operating system. If your settin

How to Manage an iPod Device

IPods, the portable media players manufactured and marketed by Apple Inc., are designed to sync with the iTunes program on your computer. Through this sync process, you manage your iPod by adding and removing digital media content. The content that you can add to your iPod depends on your iPod model